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Embrace Grace
| January 1, 2025Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. That, in a nutshell, is Gods plan of salvation.

Step out of the Boat Conference
| January 1, 2025Jesus signaled His disciples to get into a boat and sail ahead to the other side while He dismissed the crowds. After sending the multitudes away, He climbed a mountainside to pray, finding alone time with His Father.

The Doors of the Ark
| January 1, 2025On a recent family trip to the Ark Encounter, the door really stood out to me. It is the most photographed part of the whole display! The door was compared to Jesus. The question was asked, do we just come to the door, or do we pass through the door?

My Grace is Sufficient
| January 1, 2025The real gospel, the one that Paul preached, is simple. It does not require a bunch of hoops to jump through. It is easy to understand, simple, and without strings attached.

| January 1, 2025I used to want to do BIG things for God. I am now satisfied knowing it is God doing big things, not us.

What is the Will of the Father?
| November 1, 2024What does it mean to “obey not the Gospel?” Is it doing many wonderful things for Jesus, in the name of Jesus?

History of the Amish (Part 10)
| November 1, 2024We will focus on the group called “Old Order Amish” since they put much value on the Ordnung as the guideline for unity in the local congregation.

Stepping out of the Boat
| November 1, 2024It was a stormy night on the Sea of Galilee. The disciples were in a boat, struggling against the wind and the waves.

Do you Believe in the Bible?
| November 1, 2024When you read the Bible, do you believe what it says? Have you ever read something in the Bible that is contrary to what you believe?

My Grace is Sufficient
| November 1, 2024According to Scripture, the Lord revealed some of His most precious mysteries to the apostle Paul by allowing him to see visions and revelations. At one point, Paul was caught up to the third heaven, paradise.

God is Big
| November 1, 2024God is big. Very BIG! In fact, He is so big that the earth is His footstool.

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
| November 1, 2024What does it mean to be poor in spirit? Matthew 5:3 has been used to persuade a person that they cannot know they are saved and still be poor in spirit.

History of the Amish (Part 9)
| September 1, 2024For most Americans, values like commitment to self-determination and individual freedom of choice had become almost like articles of faith. This contradicted the traditional Amish values of plainness and self-surrender for the good of the community.

Contend for the Faith
| September 1, 2024In Galatians chapter 1, men had come in and were teaching a perverted gospel. Paul was clear: if anyone, even an angel, preached any other gospel, he was to be cursed.
Today, I implore you, my fellow believers, to not just passively hold onto the faith that was once delivered to us but to actively and earnestly contend for it. Consider the words of Jude, who calls us to action.

The Simplicity that is in Christ
| September 1, 2024One of the greatest dangers facing Christianity today is the same as it was 2,000 years ago. Paul wrote to the church at Corinth that he feared their minds were being corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

I Look forward to Reading the Amish Voice each Month (By: SG)
| September 1, 2024I would like to receive my free copy of The Secret of the Strength. We don’t know about a lot of what our ancestors had to go through for us to be where we are today.

A Jesus with Skin On
| September 1, 2024Why can’t you get over it? It’s one of the most hurtful statements you and I can utter to a person who has experienced abuse.

I Prefer Feeding on God's Word in its Pure Form (By: NS)
| September 1, 2024I prefer feeding on God’s Word in its pure form, as it is from the Bible and as is given through His servants, our ministers.

Pray them into Heaven
| September 1, 2024My mind often goes back to a weird old guy who was the driver for the Amish construction crew I worked with. He stuttered, kept a Bible in his truck, and often tried to steer the conversation towards Godly things.

Please Pray that I am a Doer of the Word (By: CK)
| September 1, 2024How did I enroll in Plowman’s Academy? I sent a note asking how much The Amish Voice cost and asked to put us on the mailing list.

| July 1, 2024PRIDE: A feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's accomplishments.

Persecution is Coming. Can you Stand?
| July 1, 2024Persecution will come, will you stand? Our world is in serious trouble, for it is ruled by the Prince of Darkness, whose primary goal is to steal, kill, and destroy. A time is coming when it will mean death to be a Christian, perhaps very shortly. In several countries, this is already the case. Are you willing to die?

History of the Amish (Part 8)
| July 1, 2024We previously discussed how the Amish in Europe struggled because many emigrated to the United States. In 1937, the last Amish in Europe merged with Mennonite congregations.

| July 1, 2024The word impute is an accounting term. In Scripture the word impute is speaking of recording our debts or crediting to our accounts. Imagine you go to the store, buy a product, walk to the register, and hand the cashier your credit card.

Just Listen
| May 1, 2024Most of us would rate ourselves as good listeners. At least, we would like to think that way. Sadly, most of us are not good listeners. We fail miserably.

| May 1, 2024Father's Day. What is it? How should we celebrate? In this country, the average amount a person spends on gifts is $115.00! If dads are not honored, it is not because insufficient money is spent.

History of the Amish (Part 7)
| May 1, 2024The previous article focused on the Amish who migrated to the United States. Let’s return to Europe to see how the Amish developed after many of their friends and family members sailed overseas.

Five Things Christ’s Resurrection Accomplished
| May 1, 2024The bodily resurrection of Christ is fundamental to Christianity. It defines the Christian faith. No one can be a Christian without it, for it is the very core of the gospel!