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A Joy Inside
| September 1, 2022A joy for no real reason, at least none of which I know. It started as a seed of warmth and then began to grow. It began way deep inside my soul and worked it's way on out;
I'll enjoy this peace within and I don't care what it's about.

In This Journey Called Life
| January 4, 2021A poem written by a former Amish woman about following Christ and receiving the healing that only He can offer.

| September 1, 2020This poem is dedicated to all the little girls and boys who can relate first-hand to the inner turmoil and conflicting emotions that abuse brings. May God heal you and give you a purpose for your pain.

My "Why?"
| September 1, 2019A few weeks ago, I found myself asking “Why?” What is the real motive behind my writing about sexual abuse? Suddenly, I felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to write. So I sat down and wrote. Within a few minutes, a poem was formed.

The Golden Cord
| July 1, 2019A poem written at the death of a brother, and read at the funeral of our mother. In memory of both.

The Battle
| March 1, 2019They tried to destroy and trip me so badly I wouldn’t get up anymore, Pushing me down in the mud and the mire Until I was deep in despair.

How Much?
| January 1, 2019This poem was written for all the little children and women who were not believed when they disclosed their abuse experience to someone who could have taken the steps to stop it from happening again. My heart bleeds for you. I am so sorry. I pray that God would bring someone into your life to walk beside you and show you who Jesus really is.

You Are Precious, Mother Mine
| September 8, 2018I wrote this poem as my mother lay on her deathbed.

The Work and Joy My Children Bring
| September 8, 2018In the night I hear a cry.
When I wake up I think I'd rather die,
Then I think of those that aren't as fortunate as I
To wake up in the middle of the night to hear my baby cry.

Little Star
| January 1, 2018This is a poem, written by Esther Keim, after her miscarriage on Valentine’s Day, 1996. Writing this poem helped a lot with the emotional healing of the heart.

The Love of God
| May 1, 2017We can feel it in a soft breeze.
We can see it in colored leaves.
We can receive it through a friend.
It will be with us in the end:
It’s the love of God.

A Firm Grip
| May 1, 2016As I was walking with Jesus, our hands were firmly gripped.
We walked, talked, laughed, and cried together,
And still there was the firm grip.
Then, as years passed by, I let the world slip in a little at a time.

My Prayer
| July 1, 2015To know that just one soul was blessed
Was offered peace and not distress;
To know that through my restless heart
One soul found light in place of dark;

What Christmas Means to Me
| November 1, 2014What does Christmas mean to me?
It's more than gifts beneath the tree
It�s God�s love so rich and free
Sent to this earth for all to hear and see.

My Darling Daughter
| September 1, 2014My Darling Daughter, it is not My will that you go through this. My heart bleeds and cries with yours; but we won't let it go to waste, will we? Use this time to draw near to Me, with full assurance of faith, for I am faithful. You will not be in this place forever. I will not leave you comfortless. Listen for My soft voice in your ear as I lean over your shoulder in eagerness to share every moment with you, My love.

The Dance of Fear
| September 1, 2014The Dance of Fear
We circle each other, skirting around,
Edging closer, then jumping out.
Slowly advancing, the swiftly retreating;
It's our little dance of fear.

What Does Christmas Mean to Me?
| December 26, 2013What does Christmas mean to me?
It's more than gifts beneath the tree
It's God's love so rich and free
Sent to this earth for all to hear and see
Keywords: amish, baby jesus, christmas, god's love, liberty, lydia chorpening, mission to amish people, victory | 0 comments
Forgive One Another
| July 1, 2013We may be holding onto grudges in spite of our intention,
And feel some resentment towards the one who dares mention,
It’s always our own sins that are the hardest for us to see,
And we must kindly forgive one another if we want victory.
Keywords: amish voice, forgive, forgiving, heart, map ministry, mission to amish people, orva hochstetler, poetry, salvation, victory | 0 comments

My Song
| January 1, 2013The story behind my poem is very special to me because the Lord asked me to write it. I'm from the Amish culture, and as the Lord opened my eyes to receive Him as my Savior, I now want to share my testimony with others. He has changed my perspective and made a new piece of pottery out of me. Though I was broken, now Jesus can shine through my being, and I can tell the world of His love and what He has done for me.
Keywords: amish, cora byler, map ministry, mission to amish people, poetry, savior, testimonies | 1 comments
Now I Believe
| November 1, 2011When the woman returned, after going to the well.
People gathered, wondering what story she would tell.
That Man told me of the many wrongs I have done.
I know He told the truth, He is the promised One.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, angela duncan, believe, faith, map ministry, mission to amish people, poetry | 0 comments

My Daddy
| November 1, 2011I remember when in days gone by
When in childhood tenderly
A little boy in his daddy's lap
Would hear the old story
Keywords: amish, amish voice, father, jonathan helmuth, map ministry, mission to amish people, poetry | 0 comments

Judgment Day Is Coming
| September 1, 2011Judgment Day is coming soon; When O sinner, How long tarry; Sleep, slumber no more till noon; Beaten, battered and o so weary
Keywords: amish, amish voice, cindy miller, map ministry, mission to amish people, poetry | 1 comments

I Will Restore the Years the Locusts Have Eaten
| July 13, 2011I will restore the years the locusts have eaten.
I will make beautiful the things of the past.
I will cause your fountains to bubble with joy, and I will make you a blessing.

Lord of Glory
| May 1, 2011Lord you are my Glory Through the awful darkness Lord you are my Light When the way is as night Lord you are my strength When mine has melted as wax Lord you are my str
Keywords: amish, amish voice, cindy miller, map ministry, mission to amish people, poetry | 0 comments

| January 1, 2011The Place for all the Saints; A place of ultimate beauty; Where not one shall over faint; Free from trials and of duty
Keywords: amish, amish voice, cindy miller, heaven, map ministry, mission to amish people, poetry | 0 comments

Little Star
| July 1, 2010The following poem was written by Esther Keim, when during her 3rd pregnancy, she lost our little Star.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, esther keim, little star, map ministry, mission to amish people, poetry | 2 comments
Freedom From The Past
| November 1, 2008(1) I was walking in the valley of darkness; Fear and hatred overtook me; I was in my own world of selfishness; Believing the lies the Enemy told me. (2) Feeling lonely, rejected, hurt, and confused; No one could I trust anymore; Always feeling unloved and used; Turning away when you knocked on my door.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, freedom, map ministry, miriam petersheim, mission to amish people, poetry | 0 comments