Marriage and Family
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Financial Contentment and Trust
| July 1, 2021For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. (1 Timothy 6:7)

9 Things Survivors of Abuse Wish You Knew
| July 1, 2021Have you ever wondered what survivors of abuse wish you knew or what they wish for from you? Today, I have a simple list – complied by survivors – that answers that question.

Our Children
| March 1, 2021Since I have time on my hands, I thought I would take a peek, a reality-centered, Kingdom-focused, Biblical look at things involved in raising children.

My Dad
| March 1, 2021This morning I am thinking about my dad. He was always on the quiet side, and worked hard all his life. He would spend a lot of time in our small shop at home—that is how he got the nickname “Tinker Dan”.

The Struggles of Marriage
| January 1, 2021Did you know that marriage is crazy hard? If you're married, I'm sure you can relate.

Women and Their Responsibility in Marriage
| November 1, 2020I grew up as a tiny girl on a dairy farm in an Amish Mennonite community in Canada. One of my main goals and dreams in life was to be the best wife that I could possibly be. I would always be willing to serve.

The Woman, A Helper
| July 1, 2020The man was created perfectly in God’s image. And it was good, but when God observed His perfect creation this time, He did not say it was very good. He saw something was missing. Something was not complete. That “something” was a mate. God said it wasn’t good for the man to be alone.

| May 1, 2020It was one of those days. Everything was going wrong, I thought. The children were both sick and fussy, the work was piling up, and I wasn’t feeling the best myself.

To My Dear Mother
| May 1, 2019Dear Mom, Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. I wanted to get you a special card, or flowers, or something—anything to let you know how much you mean to me. But honestly, flowers and cards really don’t express it well enough. Since writing happens to be my gift, I decided that might be a better option.

Treasure Your Wife
| March 1, 2019The Christian is supposed to love his neighbor, and since his wife is his nearest neighbor, she should be his deepest love. - Martin Luther

Fear and Control - Just Feelings?
| May 1, 2018May I talk with you about something close to my heart? There is a word I hear a lot of these days, and that word is anxiety. Anxiety, worry, and feeling scared are all the same thing. They can all be summed up in one word, and that is FEAR (false evidence appearing real!). Now don’t get me wrong, folks- I do experience fear. In fact, I recently became aware of how much fear has actually been in my life! I used to be irritated by the word “anxiety” and thought I was not much affected by it, but since my mother died, I suddenly became more aware of it and realized it was a bigger issue than I knew!

Being a Submissive Wife
| November 1, 2017Hello. Thank you for reaching out to our spiritual needs. May God continue to bless your efforts.
I used to think that a submissive wife would quietly go along with what her husband decided, showing little emotion, etc. I have come to realize that most men do not actually want passive, unemotional wives, but a wife who can voice her concern and disagreement in a calm, kind voice—no pouting, etc. And, most importantly, have a smile and a spark (even if he is rather dull). Encouraging, praising, and continually surprising him in little ways.
We Amish tend to shy away from flattery, praise, etc., but it is so upbuilding. Encourage the men to express love, too. Too many of us go through life taking our loved ones for granted and harboring grudges. After they are gone, we are filled with regret. A quote I read somewhere: “The best way to get praise is to die.”

Fornication, Adultery, and Homosexuality
| August 28, 2015Throughout my growing up years, I was very much aware that one should not use the word “sex” in public. Let me go one step further. I was of the mindset that the word itself was dirty—right up there with all the other swear words. Furthermore, it was my understanding that only moms and dads were allowed to use the forbidden word, and then only behind closed doors. I’m not sure why I felt that way. Somewhere, somehow, someone taught me to think that sex was connected with the dark side and was sinful.

Precious Children
| May 1, 2015But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh! Matthew 18:6-7
The Bible tells us that children are very precious to Jesus. We must be certain to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and to be an example for them of our loving, gentle,and patient Heavenly Father.

The Way of True Love
| January 1, 2015Two major components in relationships worth having are trust and communication. If either of these components are missing, there is breakdown.
If you cannot trust someone, usually you do not feel too inclined to build a relationship with him or her. On the other hand, if you feel that someone does not trust you, you often feel quite disrespected.

Family Leadership
| September 1, 2014Has there ever been anything as beautiful as a man and a woman walking in harmony? Coming together in marriage, harmonizing in music, yielding, giving, leading, following? King Solomon wrote of four things that were too wonderful for him to comprehend; one of the things was “the way of a man with a maid.” There is something amazing about the way a man and a woman interact with each other, especially when they are in God's will.

Security in Who?
| October 31, 2013Steve Stutzman and his wife Dorcas are currently serving in ministry at Strait Paths Foundation. They are based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and much of their outreach is focused around Biblical mentoring, teaching and training; they offer personal and group sessions with a heart toward discipleship and leadership that is Biblically founded and Christ-centered.
Keywords: christ, daughters, fathers, god, god's order, inner city youth, map ministry, mission to amish people, protected, questions, salvation, security, starving, steve stutzman, wounded | 0 comments

Teaching and Equipping Our Children for Life
| August 28, 2013Sadly though, many parents stop short of teaching their children anything about sex, pregnancy, and newborn babies. To some parents, these topics are forbidden outside a closed bedroom door and should only be discussed between husband and wife. To others, using the word "sex" in front of a young single adult is almost as bad as swearing.

Love, Dating and Marriage
| August 28, 2013Those who have children who turned out well know how much time it took. It takes much prayer and spending time together as a family, but in the end it is well worth the effort. You see, you are not only raising one generation, but you are also impacting generations to come. If you do it right, your children will do it right. And if your children will do it right, so will their children.
Keywords: children, dating, daughter, family, joe keim, love, marriage, marriage and family, parenting, relationships | 1 comments

The Family
| July 1, 2013With so many modern families affected by divorce, unhealthy marriages and relationships, it is good to look again briefly at the Biblical model of a family. Due to our sinful natures, we still have disagreements and we still get irritated and even angry at times, but our goal ought to be to become more like Jesus every day—leaving the sin behind and becoming a loving, forgiving, happy, healthy, godly family.

Generational Patterns and Punishment
| November 1, 2012Does the thought ever occur to you that, as a parent, you are doing more than just raising ONE generation of children and then you’re done? The point I’m making is: what you do or don't do with your children will have a direct impact on the outcome of your grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren.

God's Father-Heart of Love
| November 1, 2012We have five beautiful children. Our youngest is a very active, wiggly, nine-month-old little man. I would love to have some of his energy! He could do with a little less, and I with a little more - especially when I am trying to put him to sleep! We have quite the little motions we go through until he is finally sleeping. Often I would simply love to be able to relax and rest, but no, we have to have our wiggles and jiggles, and fights first!

A Father's Blessing
| September 1, 2012Shortly before Jacob, who was also called Israel, passed away, he took the time to formally bless his twelve sons. The giving of a father's blessing is not something that most people are familiar with in our own day. Although, I am aware that this has become more popular in some circles, but my guess is that most people wouldn't understand why something like this is important.

Divorce and Remarriage - Does God Permit It?
| August 14, 2012Question: I am considering and praying about divorcing, and the thought is SCAREY. I still love my husband, but he is ignoring me like I'm a piece of trash. I can't reason with him whatsoever, and I believe God is asking me to let go of him! What do you believe is God's heart on divorce and re-marriage for an innocent partner?

| May 1, 2012Commitment is a word packed with meaning. I used to think I understood the meaning of this word when I married my husband. But in time, I realize that commitment doesn't end when it requires something from us. Neither does it end when our spouse does something we don't like. It doesn't even end when they hurt us. And it doesn't end when we are misunderstood. In fact, sometimes it calls for great sacrifice.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, commitment, map ministry, mission to amish people, norma miller, sacrifice | 0 comments

Sex in Marriage is Good
| May 1, 2012Since writing To Kill a Lion: Destroying the Power of Lust from the Root, I have come to the conclusion that many sexual problems exist because people do not understand the blessing of their sexuality and therefore they fall into sexual bondage and guilt. So what do I mean?
Emotional Healing
| March 1, 2012I met the Lord as a young Amish girl and I came out of the Amish some years later. It was a difficult thing to walk through the mine field of emotions and feelings I had during that time. Sometimes the pain and anger would explode inside of me so quickly, it was like stepping on a mine.

Children, Obey Your Parents
| November 1, 2011On numerous occasions, I've heard well-meaning parents ask, "Don't you know that obeying your parents is the first command in the Bible?" Then their question is backed up with Ephesians 6:1-3, Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.

Testimony: Joe Keim and His Dad Share Forgiveness
| September 16, 2011Ever since my early teens, my dad and I have had a stressed relationship. Dad was a man of dreams and many talents, which led him to getting involved in everything under the sun. He was known as the community blacksmith, machinist, veterinary, dentist and doctor. He also owned a 200 acre farm, wrote several books and developed a burn salve that is now in most Amish households in the US and Canada. His salve has even gotten the attention of medical doctors in various hospitals across America.

A Safe Place To Cry And Laugh
| September 1, 2011Well, it's been awhile since I wrote... but that does NOT mean that God hasn't been teaching and revealing things to me! I'm gonna tell you about the biggest thing that has happened to me this year. It might not sound big to you but to me it was HUGE, Thank You, Jesus!
Keywords: amish, amish voice, joy knepp, map ministry, marriage and family, mission to amish people | 0 comments