Amish Life
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History of the Amish (Part 10)
| November 1, 2024We will focus on the group called “Old Order Amish” since they put much value on the Ordnung as the guideline for unity in the local congregation.

History of the Amish (Part 9)
| September 1, 2024For most Americans, values like commitment to self-determination and individual freedom of choice had become almost like articles of faith. This contradicted the traditional Amish values of plainness and self-surrender for the good of the community.

A Jesus with Skin On
| September 1, 2024Why can’t you get over it? It’s one of the most hurtful statements you and I can utter to a person who has experienced abuse.

History of the Amish (Part 8)
| July 1, 2024We previously discussed how the Amish in Europe struggled because many emigrated to the United States. In 1937, the last Amish in Europe merged with Mennonite congregations.

History of the Amish (Part 7)
| May 1, 2024The previous article focused on the Amish who migrated to the United States. Let’s return to Europe to see how the Amish developed after many of their friends and family members sailed overseas.
Conference featuring former Amish speakers, bluegrass concert kicks off in Ashland County
| March 20, 2024SAVANNAH, OH A conference featuring former Amish community members and a bluegrass band from Tennessee kicks off Wednesday evening at a church just north of Savannah.

History of the Amish (Part 6)
| March 1, 2024Towards the end of the 18th century, the Amish and other peace churches were again tested on their non-resistant convictions.

History of the Amish (Part 5)
| January 1, 2024In the first decades after Amish arrived in the New World, church life was not well organized. Settlements were being formed and migration was disturbing community and church life.

The History of the Amish (Part 4)
| November 1, 2023Our history begins after the split of the “Ammannisch Leit” (Amish) from the remaining Anabaptists (Mennonites) in 1693. In the years following, there were a few failed attempts to reconcile the two groups.
Amish men carrying forbidden cell phones outed by national emergency alert test
| October 7, 2023The modern world is invading the Amish countryside.

Communion and Foot Washing
| October 4, 2023Feet washing, communion, and council meeting, all three of these are scripturally mishandled, and abused.
Amish communities are adapting a surprising new technology in their homes and farms: ‘It’s really taken off’
| July 22, 2023Amish barns and solar panels are probably not two things most people think of as going together, but times are changing. Anabaptist World recently reported that Amish communities are starting to adopt solar as their source of power.

The History of the Amish (Part 3)
| March 1, 2023While Anabaptist in northern Europe were occupied with solving internal matters, the Anabaptists in southern Europe, especially Switzerland, were facing persecution and hardship.
Two women charged with stealing tens of thousands from Amish growers in St. Croix County
| February 3, 2023ST. CROIX COUNTY - Two women are charged in St. Croix County for allegedly stealing tens of thousands of dollars from Amish growers.
Iowa town joins local Amish in mourning loss of three children, young father
| January 30, 2023The calls began pouring in soon after the news that three local Amish children and one of the children's young father had died after their van rolled over on a snow-and-ice-covered highway last week...

The History of the Amish (Part 2)
| January 1, 2023In the November issue, we took a look at the events and issues that surrounded the beginning of the Reformation and the defining of the Anabaptists.
The History of the Amish (Part 1)
| November 1, 2022For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. (Romans 1:17)

My Children's Children and Beyond
| July 1, 2022Lift your head my sister … Lift your head and eyes above all your worries, frustrations, and failures. Are you able to envision the next generation of children in your mind? Now, look further.

Baptism, Vows, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ
| May 11, 2022I have felt for some time now that someone ought to address a misleading idea held by many of the most traditional Amish and Mennonites, and various other sections of the so-called Plain People. It is the idea that Christian baptism involves vows, mu
They came, they sawed, they barn-raised: Community unites to help Holmes family after fire
| June 26, 2021WALNUT CREEK TWP., OH - Within a week of a devastating fire that destroyed the barn on the family farm at 5840 Township Road 409 between Trail and Berlin, the Beachy family had a new barn, thanks to the kindness and generosity of neighbors in the Amish community.

A Teaspoon of Honey and Goodness of God
| January 1, 2021Some things are impossible to forget. Some things are impossible to forget. I can still hear the sound of his boots on the wood as he raced up the stairs after me. I can hear the door slam. But the loud beats of my heart nearly stopped when he grabbed me and I looked into his eyes.

A Second Chance Love Story
| July 1, 2020For those of you who like love stories and second chances, you will want to read this incredible love story. It is the greatest love story ever told!

10 Myths about Sexual Abuse in Anabaptist Communities
| July 1, 2020If we are going to stand up and fight for our children, we are going to have to ditch some misconceptions about sexual abuse that are widely believed in our culture.

What Does it Really Mean to be Born Again? (Part 1)
| May 1, 2020People who are born again are radically different than they were before they were born again. From the moment of their spiritual rebirth, they immediately see themselves and others differently.

Belief of our Fathers: The End Times (Chapter 9)
| March 1, 2020This concludes a study on the beliefs of our forefathers, based largely on the 1632 Dordrecht Confession of Faith. This section tells about Eschatology, or the study of the end times.

Belief of our Fathers: Sin and Salvation (Chapter 8)
| January 1, 2020This continues a study on the beliefs of our forefathers, based largely on the 1632 Dordrecht Confession of Faith. This section tells about Soteriology, or the study of Sin and Salvation. This has been edited for space

Belief of our Fathers: Humanity (Chapter 7)
| November 1, 2019This continues a study on the beliefs of our forefathers, based largely on the 1632 Dordrecht Confession of Faith. This section tells about Ecclesiology, or the study of the Church. This has been edited for space.

A Message for Today from the Past
| September 1, 2019Do you ever wonder what would happen if Jacob Amman were alive today and had the same beliefs as he had in the seventeenth century? I recently spent some time reading the Dordrecht Confession of Faith, and it made me wonder if some of our beliefs are different than what they used to be.