How To Combat Sexual Addiction
By Bruce Lengeman
March 1, 2012
More and more, we are all hearing about the rising number of sexual crimes. Counselors are crying out for help because of how many marriages are breaking up. Many sexual-abuse victims are seeking help-all because of the flood of immorality that is attacking our culture. It is not just happening in the "world," but it is out of control in almost every church or religious setting.
I wrote my book, To Kill A Lion-Destroying the Power of Lust From the Root, to show people that sexual addiction is not a surface issue. Many people try to eliminate sexual addiction by focusing on the sexual area. They try and try. They make new rules and laws for themselves, but are unable to conquer the "lion of lust" that is roaring inside their heart.
I never acted out sexual immorality, but one day when I was confronted by a counselor, I realized that even though didn't act immorally-IN MY HEART I WANTED TO. I thought every man had to fight this battle. It was like I had a roaring lion in a cage inside my heart, and it was roaring to get out, but I was strong enough to keep the cage locked. What the counselor showed me is that GOD WANTS US FREE INSIDE THE HEART, SO THAT WE CAN DESIRE PURITY-NOT BE SLAVE TO IT! I was a sexual addict in my heart, but God set me free!
You will not overcome sexual addiction until you overcome heart issues of shame, rejection, anger, self-hatred, fear, condemnation, father and mother wounds, and many other heart issues that drive sexual addiction. Many men can't imagine that there is a place that they can be free from the torment of sexual immorality, but Jesus said in John 8: 32,36, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. If the Son shall set you free, you shall be free indeed."
I pray that you will experience a new level of victory in Christ Jesus if you battle with sexual lust.
(You can order my book at New Book Publishing by calling 1-407-296-0095 or at
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