Healing and Trusting
By Norma Miller
March 1, 2017
I have a question for you today. If you had the choice between hearing the truth that could save your life and change your world, or hearing what feels good even though the implications could destroy you or kill you, which would you choose?
It sounds really simple, when you think of it that way, but what many people do not realize is that every day they persecute people who are trying to save them. Every day they reject people who are trying to give them truth that will change their lives forever for the better, trying to show them true love. This love doesn't always feel like love. Sometimes real truth hurts, but in the long run, we ought to be grateful for it.
Let me give you an example. I have what doctors call an incurable disease. It causes weight gain, inflammation, stiffness, pain, digestive issues, diabetes, cancer, etc. You could tell me that my weight gain isn't my fault, that I should just submit to God’s will, that I just need to try to get as comfortable as I can until I die. That might make me feel good. That might seem like I would bear no responsibility at all, but that I could just feel like a victim of circumstances; after all, it must be God's will that I am sick.
That would have been my stance on this subject a few years ago.
Before I go any further, I want to tell you what I am NOT saying.
- I am not saying we should not submit to God's will.
- I am not saying God cannot use sickness for my good.
- I am not saying it is my fault or because of any sin that I got sick.
- I am not saying I don't have enough faith.
- I am not saying I will not need to die someday.
- I am not saying that if someone is too tired to fight, they are in sin.
That being said, what I AM going to tell you is this:
Sickness was not created by God, nor was it ever part of His plan or will.
- Sickness and death came into being through the devil and through sin.
- God can and does use bad things for good in our lives.
- Jesus never told anyone that He could not heal them. He healed everyone He was able to who asked for healing in the time frame He was given to work with.
- God's perfect will does not include sickness or death.
- Jesus already healed you. We don't always see that healing manifested on this side of heaven. We need to receive what He has done in faith.
- God has given us a free will.
- Life and death are in the power of the tongue, so we must be careful what we say.
Now, at one point in my life, I wanted to be told that things were not my fault, that I could not do anything about it, but that I just needed to submit. In many ways, this is the easy way. In other ways, it is the hard way; but I do not believe it is the right way.
God has mercy and compassion for me and He saw fit to bring people into my life who loved me enough to dare to tell me truth that didn't feel good. They told me I was making agreements with the enemy of our souls. They told me sickness is connected to my emotions. They told me that when I make my emotions line up with God's truth, my physical body would in turn line up with that. They showed me the truth so I could choose for myself what I wanted.
Did you know you were created in God's image? Did you know His DNA is on the inside of you? Did you know you are made up of three parts, just like He is? Spirit, soul, and body are the three parts that make us up. Each of those parts is made of three parts, too, and each of those parts connect with each other, and as a result, affects those parts.
What does this mean? This means, simply, that I cannot go through life bitter or angry without my health being affected. If I take care of that anger or bitterness, it releases my body to receive healing in that area, too. I cannot go through life afraid without it affecting my health, but if I repent for that fear and choose to trust God to protect me and I receive His love, my body can also heal.
The good news is that God always wants us to find healing. We do not always find that healing, but that doesn't mean it is His will. At first this might not sound like good news, especially if it means I need to change something. But in reality, this can give me so much hope if I receive the truth, even though it goes against all I was taught my whole life. That's the really scary part, isn't it? But let me ask you this, would you rather go through life believing a lie or would you rather be presented with the truth, come out of agreement with the enemy, and line up with God's truth? I know which way I want, even if it is scary and even if it hurts.
So, I have faced the reality of the fact that I have a disease that doctors say is incurable, but I was presented with the truth that Jesus said, "By My stripes you are healed." I was presented with the truth that my emotion of not feeling loved was not the truth, and I am choosing to make my emotions line up with God's Word, which says, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. What great truth is that? How much He loves me!
I am doing what I can to feed my body healthy vitamins and food and supplements and to feed my spirit with things that will be good for me. I still have trouble and suffer pain, but I believe what God said. He said I am healed. This is the truth. I am doing what I can for my body to heal, and I am feeling better and stronger. I believe someday I will see complete healing in my body, even though the facts say it is not evident yet.
There are others who are in remission of this same disease which doctors say is incurable. When a human says it is incurable, let us remember to go back to God's Word and allow Him to heal us from within.
— Norma Miller
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