If We Walk in the Light
By John Weaver
July 1, 2017
If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. Those are powerful words found in 1 John 1:7. It is a verse that tells us a lot about God.
First, God wants us to walk in the light. What light? Him. God is light, and in him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). God is always light. The path we walk on is always lit if we walk with Him. If we walk with God, we will have fellowship with Him. Always remember, when we are walking with God, that He does not need us; rather, He wants us. He wants our fellowship, and our companionship. Amazing, isn't it?
Then this verse says that as we walk with God and we have a relationship with Him, we will have fellowship one with another. The family of God is big – really big. By being drawn to God, we are being drawn to God’s family. This fellowship we have with each other is never limited to the ones in a particular church or denomination or (our) churches, etc. No. We have fellowship with each other because of one thing. We have fellowship with any and all who have been washed in the blood of Jesus – all who have applied the blood.
There is a bond, a connection, when we meet someone who has been transformed from darkness into His marvelous light. In my travels, in any part of the world, I have been privileged to meet with people from all walks of life, from different local bodies and many different cultures. If they have applied the blood and are walking in the light, we immediately can fellowship. It is like finding a long-lost brother or sister.
Never ever try to limit your fellowship to a certain group or certain groups of churches. The family of God is way bigger than just us or our group. Jesus told his disciples in John 10 that He has other sheep that are not of this fold. He will bring these other sheep. They will also hear His voice, and there will be one fold and one shepherd. Some of these other sheep do not always look like we may think a sheep should look, but God sees the heart. We look on the outward, but God looks on the heart.
But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. —1 Samuel 16:7
A while back, I walked out of a business, and as I was preparing to leave from the parking lot, I noticed a man ready to take off on a huge decked-out motorcycle. He was dressed in typical motorcycle garb. To be polite, I said, “Nice bike.” I don't know much about bikes, but this one looked nice to me.
A bit more small talk and he asked my name. Then he said, “I will add you to my prayer list.” I jumped back and exclaimed, “Wow!” We stood there and we talked. We connected. He told me that he pastors a small group of believers. They often meet in bars and share God’s Word. He said those people need the Lord, and if we don't take it to them, who will?
I have since often pondered that meeting. Isn't that exactly what Jesus did? He went right to the worst of sinners, prostitutes, etc. to share His good news. Isn't that what God wants us to do?
That man and I stood in the parking lot of that bank and we had fellowship. It was a glorious time. He shared how he had lived a rough life until the day the blood of Jesus set him free. Now he is spreading the word to the lost. I thought of the words of Jesus from Luke 5:32: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Let us, therefore, follow Jesus and call sinners to repentance.
—John Weaver, Taylorsville, NC
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