The Rebel's Voice, By Pennsylvania
June 28, 2017
To the writers of the Amish Voice:
We are sad that a man who was taught the truth about the Scriptures can be so deceiving. Instead of The Amish Voice, it is the voice of Satan. It is made up of half-truths and simple lies. Yes, there are some accurate Bible verses, but on the whole, it is very misleading.
It is our fear that at the judgement you will need to answer for all the misleading you are doing and the souls lost. The title should be The Rebel’s Voice.
Jonas Yoder responds:
Thank you for your feedback about the Amish Voice. I appreciate your great concern for lost souls. We truly do live in the last times, of which the Bible speaks that there will be much deception and a great falling away during this time (2 Timothy 3:13; 2 Thessalonians 2:3). Because of this, it is very important that we not just follow the teachings of men, but that we search the scriptures like the Bereans of old, who searched the scriptures daily, to see whether those things were so (Acts 17:11).
I'm sorry that you felt like the articles in the Amish Voice were deceiving, as we try hard to keep them Biblically accurate. We realize that not everyone sees eye to eye on many Bible subjects, which is all the more reason we need to study the scriptures for ourselves and let them speak for themselves without pulling them out of their proper context. It is sad to see how many denominational views claim to be based on scriptures, but have been grossly pulled out of their proper context and made to say something completely different from what the writer intended. I'm afraid one of the biggest reasons we have so much denominational division is because we tend to filter the scriptures through our preconceived and sometimes traditional thoughts and opinions. It is important that we all become lovers of the truth and be willing to allow the Bible to prove us wrong, no matter which side of the discussion we are on.
Although I am not personally familiar with your situation, my heart goes out to you in dealing with this obviously difficult situation. It is always painful when someone does not live up to our expectations. I want you to know that we here at the Amish Voice have a great burden for reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:17-21), first and foremost with God, and then also as much as is possible with man (Romans 12:18).
May God Bless you,
Jonas Yoder
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