Garment of Praise
By Dale Schmucker
July 1, 2018
This morning I felt as though I had a cloud of heaviness hanging over me. Everything looked dark and futile. My past sins and mistakes seemed to be all I could see, and I heard the enemy whisper, "This is who you will always be and know." I knew it wasn't true, but the heaviness was far too strong for me.
By faith I began to praise God. It was a sacrifice of praise. I thanked God for His love, for salvation, for His blood, and for all the good things I could think of. Then I began thanking Him for all the good things He was going to do in the future. By faith. Needless to say, it wasn't long before my praise wasn't a sacrifice anymore. I was full of God's joy again.
God has given us the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3). It is through the high praises of God that we can bind the powers of darkness and execute judgement on the spiritual principalities of evil (Psalm 149). God inhabits the praise of His people. It is often through thanksgiving and praise that our own perspective changes.
If you struggle with the spirit of heaviness and you feel like "singing the blues" because of circumstances in your life, let me recommend you try singing a "new song" to God (Ps. 40:3; 98:1). Offer to God a sacrifice of praise. He is always worthy; and it will change you in the process.
— Dale Schmucker
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