The Inner Battle
By Joe Keim
May 1, 2019
This morning I was feeling challenged in the area of forgiving people who talked nicely to my face but threw me in the frying pan the minute I turned my back. The thoughts and feelings crept in slowly and unannounced. It was not until I was awake for an hour that I suddenly realized—this whole thing is mentally devouring me.
Right away, I started feeling guilt. Joe, you call yourself a Christian! You are in full-time ministry! When are going to start living what you preach? I bet God is not very happy with you right now!
The guilt that followed the torment felt like a 12-inch steel wall between me and God. Spiritual intimacy had fled, and God seemed far away. Does that ever happen to you?
In order to get back on track, we must go where the war is being fought—between our two ears—the mind. The apostle Paul said, Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2)—like a caterpillar changing into a butterfly.
How do we renew our minds?
What helps me renew my mind is prayer, listening to psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19), and reading God's Word.
Praying reminds us that we are not capable of handling Satan and his lies on our own.
Godly music reminds us how much our eternal Father wants to be involved in every part of our lives, and it causes us to stand in awe of His unfailing mercy and endless unconditional love for His sons and daughters.
Scripture, the Word of God, acts like soapy rinse water. It cleans our inside out and restores our joy.
Happy day, my friend!
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