Twist, Turn, and Leave things out of Scripture, By AM
By Paul Miller
November 1, 2020
It irritates me greatly to see how people twist & turn & leave some things out of scripture so they don’t have to feel guilty.
Thank you for your letter, AM.
We often print articles by others who might have a different perspective on some things. It is okay to disagree. We will not agree with everyone on everything. Peter and Paul did not always agree. Paul and Barnabas did not always agree. The religious leaders certainly did not often agree with Jesus. Even some of our forefathers did not always agree with each other.
Is the answer, then, to condemn and turn away, or is a better way to go to the Scriptures in love, seek God and His Word together, and look for God’s truth? Rather than rejecting something because it is not what we were taught to believe, let us go to the Holy Scriptures and search.
That is what Jesus demonstrated for us. He taught us to search the Scriptures. Even when confronted by Satan, Jesus told him what the Scriptures said. He told the religious leaders that they were wrong because they did not know the Scriptures or the power of God. Jesus told the devout, religious people that they were wrong for following their tradition while ignoring what the Scriptures said.
Let us not make those same mistakes. Let is go directly to the Bible and see what God’s Word actually says. If you disagree with an article, rather than getting irritated and telling us that we are wrong and rejecting the entire Amish Voice, pray for us. Go to the Scriptures, seek God, and then show us from the Bible where you think we erred, twisted and turned or left out scripture. God tells us that His Word is like a fire, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces. It takes love, effort and kindness to seek to help others walk more closely with God. That is our desire for you, and we hope that is your desire for us.
We look forward to hearing from you. Keep seeking the truth and love of Jesus Christ.
—Paul Miller
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