Quit Trying and Trust
By Rodger Moyer
May 1, 2021
We believe in God Who created heaven and earth.
We believe in God Who gave stars and moons their birth.
We believe in God with Whom nothing is impossible.
We believe in God Who is holy, loving, and with Him, that all things are possible.
We believe in God Who is always faithful and unchanging.
We believe God is in control of this world and is reigning.
We believe God’s will always come through.
We believe God’s mercies everyday are new.
We believe God’s grace is sufficient for all our need.
We believe God can comfort the sick, the hurting, and set us free indeed.
We believe God can convict sinners that are lost.
We believe God can bring us through though temptation tossed.
We believe God can forgive all our sin and give us new life.
We believe God for answered prayer in the midst of strife.
We believe God for the healing of our bodies.
We believe God takes nobodies and make them somebodies.
We believe God is pleased by the faith we are bringing.
We believe God is rejoicing over His children with glorious singing.
We believe God transforms us into His image.
We believe in a God we can know, what a precious privilege.
Then why can’t we believe God can cleanse our hearts from original sin?
Why can’t we believe Him to change us completely within?
Why can’t we believe He can truly make all things new?
Why can’t we believe in victory over temptation each day through?
And why do we continue to try getting rid of our sinfulness on our own?
Why do we continue to try getting victory over the sinful attitudes shown?
Why do we not trust God to make our hearts right?
Why don’t we let Him turn this darkness into light?
Maybe it’s because we don’t truly believe in God’s power to do it.
Maybe it’s because we like our sin too much to be through with it.
Maybe it’s because we don’t believe the promises of God’s Word are true.
That faithful is He Who calls us Who will this work do.
Oh friends, let us quit trying and trust Him,
To break the habits and cleanse from all sin?
Why not trust Him to take away whatever it might be,
The anger, the pride, the lust, and set us free?
Will you stop trying to change your own soul?
Will you stop trying to make yourself whole?
Will you stop trying to make excuse for who you are and what you do,
And let Jesus cleanse you, fill you, through and through?
So, go back and read the first five paragraphs of this poem,
And understand and believe God for this blessing and not try it alone.
For the same God, the same blood, the same Spirit, has given the call,
For He can give us pure hearts, make us holy, oh just give your all!
Yes, we will still be human with all the infirmities and flaws,
But with holy motives to guide us, His glory continually our cause.
So, go ahead, and just trust Him now, trust Him today,
And you will experience the more excellent way.
You will be filled with love like never before.
You will be filled with victorious power over the inward war.
You’ll know a peace that passes all understanding.
A peace and love you will always find expanding.
So why not trust and pray with all your heart,
And die to sin and believe, for that is your part?
And to humbly trust and before Him bow,
And say, “O Lord, do the work in me now!”
Don’t just believe that God can do all the rest,
And not believe Him to make our hearts their very best.
Loving others and Him with all you are and can.
Today, tomorrow, let this faith in Him never end.
May I live and die with this message on my heart!
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