Revival: What Does it Look Like?
By Joe Keim
November 1, 2022
What do you think a real God-sent world-wide revival would look like in 2022? It is a serious question I have had for a long time. We talk about it often. We desire it with all our heart. We pray, “Dear God, please send one more great revival across this land.”
But, if a real God-sent revival came to our would we recognize it?
Are large gatherings a requirement before we can label it a revival?
Are a rising number of Amish churches the result of a God-sent revival?
Is it considered real revival only after tens of thousands, and thousands upon thousands of demons are cast out, blind men and women receive their sight and are healed from all types of sicknesses?
If hundreds of thousands, and thousands upon thousands, of Amish and English men and women would fall prostrate on their faces before God - in their living rooms at home, and in church services across America, and repent of their dead works and sins against a holy God, would that be a real and true God-sent revival?
Can it be a God-sent revival, only after all churches in America put their cars away and return to horse and buggy, the German Bible, plain clothes, and head coverings?
If millions of lost people suddenly realized their lostness before God and surrendered their hearts to Jesus Christ, is that the revival we are all praying and waiting for?
Is revival only for believers? Is it mainly for unbelievers?
What does a God-sent world-wide revival look like?
If it suddenly showed up, would you know it, and join? Would you miss it?
I would love for you to take a few minutes of your day and write to us. From an Amish perspective, what does revival look like? What is required to happen before you could say …
“Now that is a God-sent revival?”
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