I Marvel that Jesus Found Me (By: RM)
By Joe Keim
May 1, 2023
Dear Joe Keim: I am so blessed with your much-needed ministry! I still marvel that Jesus found me in a very dark setting where salvation was very clearly taught but still the system clung to low (ordnung), not so much a Holy Spirit relationship.
I am so intrigued by your “What does Revival look like?” question (November issue of The Amish Voice). In my humble opinion, I believe I would recognize it, but there are variable levels.
A transformational world-wide revival affects lost people drawn to the Holy Spirit, often falling prostrate under His power, repenting, confessing sin, and experiencing forgiveness and also lukewarm, inactive believers being refired, and miracles of all kinds. It affects all levels of society effecting huge changes. It is always about God (the Holy Spirit) turning hearts to Himself. Blessings on you and your ministry, —RM
I resonate with your response, RM! Thank you for responding. It is my honest belief that real God-sent revivals do not fit anyone's box. Therefore, the majority of rigid and stiff fundamentalists will never experience a real revival.
There are many revivals we could look at, but how about we look at a biblical example. Matthew 3:1 says:
In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea.
While church leaders met in their fancy synagogues, followed their age old structured services, had perfect haircuts, and wore their Sunday best, a wild man showed up in long hair, dressed in weird clothes, ate strange food and began preaching in the wilderness. This God-sent hippie didn’t fit anyone’s box. Church leaders mocked, scorned, and challenged the weirdo. No way, they thought, could this man be God-sent. He didn't fit their customs and he didn't follow their rituals. However, Matthew 3:5-6 makes it clear, revival broke out among the common people.
Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all the region round about Jordan, and were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins.
It didn't matter to the common man that John appeared and acted outside the box. It didn't matter that many in their circles mocked him. John’s followers were so done with dead religion, man-made systems, living in someone’s else's box, and depression. They were as dried up cisterns, empty, and emotionless. They desired one thing: more, more, more, of the living God.
Those who became part of the revival were filled and made alive! —Joe Keim
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