The Amish Voice 2025
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January/February 2025
In This Issue:
1. Overcomer (By: Gerald Hochstetler)
2. Step out of the Boat Conference
3. Embrace Grace (By: John Weaver)
4. My Grace is Sufficient (By: Joe Keim)
5. History of the Amish (Part 11) (By: Magda Adriana)
6. The Doors of the Ark (By: Al Fry)
7. The Secret of the Strength (By: Peter Hoover)
8. A Glimpse of a Place Called Heaven (By: Alan Carr)
9. Who Should Baptize (By: Simon Fry)
10. Wise Men (By: Terell McCullers)
2. Step out of the Boat Conference
3. Embrace Grace (By: John Weaver)
4. My Grace is Sufficient (By: Joe Keim)
5. History of the Amish (Part 11) (By: Magda Adriana)
6. The Doors of the Ark (By: Al Fry)
7. The Secret of the Strength (By: Peter Hoover)
8. A Glimpse of a Place Called Heaven (By: Alan Carr)
9. Who Should Baptize (By: Simon Fry)
10. Wise Men (By: Terell McCullers)