Sponsor a Bible Club Student
For $90 a year, you can adopt an Amish student who wants to enroll in the Bible Club Bible program. This dollar amount covers the cost of sending one student a full year of Bible correspondence lessons. For a more detailed description of this sponsorship program, please read below:
To sponsor a student for one year...
Our Bible Club Bible correspondence ministry has become one of the biggest blessings of the MAP Ministry. Since the start of this ministry in 2001, more then 30,000 Amish students have been actively enrolled, and with growth also comes expenses.
On average, 60,000 to 75,000 Bible lessons are mailed out in a 12-month period. God always provides and we give Him all the glory and praise for each mailing that goes out, but we would like to pass these blessings on to you by asking if you would like to become a Bible Club student sponsor.
We do a mailing every two weeks, which adds up to 24 mailings a year. If a student stays faithful, and a lot of them do, we could spend at least $90.00 a year per student. This cost includes their Bible lessons, postage to mail the lessons, their certificates and awards for earning points. This does not sound like a lot of money per student but when you times that by almost 4,000 lessons every two weeks for a year it adds up quickly.
If you would choose to sponsor a Bible Club student, you would not only be helping with the expenses of the program, but you would be giving these students the opportunity to hear the gospel and accept Jesus as their personal Savior.
The best part of this outreach ministry is the fact that each year several hundred students write to tell us that they received the Lord as their Savior.
For each student that you sponsor, at $90 a year, we will send you their name and the state in which they live in. Along with that idea, we would like to encourage you to pray for him or her on a daily basis.
Testimony from one of our students:
When I was eleven years old and still Amish, I started doing Bible Club lessons through the mail; they made a big impact on me. I used to thoroughly read through my lessons before sending them back in; I noticed that they taught me something different than the Amish taught.
The lessons gave me a hunger to go after these new truth teachings that I was learning through them. Soon, I started comparing the two teachings and saw that the SonLight Club was teaching the true gospel of Jesus.
When I was seventeen years old, I left the Amish. I wasn't really into going to church when I first left the Amish, and I sowed some wild oats. After a while, I moved to a different state and started getting exposed more to Christ Jesus. I went to church then but still didn't really understand why I was going. Then, just a couple months ago, I really started realizing what I was going to church for, and it has impacted me.
Just tonight, I got baptized and feel like I'm on fire for the Lord. I would like to be a part of MAP, so I could tell other Amish the truth too; I want them to get to know it like I did.
Nathan Miller
--Goshen IN
To sponsor a student for one year...
To sponsor a student for one year...
Click HERE
If you would choose to sponsor a SonLight Club student you would not only be helping with the expense of the program but you would be giving these students the opportunity to hear the gospel and accept Jesus as their personal Savior. We have 106 salvations recorded so far for 2010 and our prayer is to see this number double.
Won’t you please become a SonLight Club Sponsor and become an important part of these students lives.