Care Program

Office Supplies
The following list gives you an idea what we use at the office on a daily basis.
- Ink Cartridges (Call the office to find out which ones we need)
- Scotch tape refillsGas Cards or gift cards (for volunteer appreciation)
- Coffee (Maxwell regular)
- Paper towels
- Toilet paper
- Snack items for volunteers (pretzels, cookies, wrapped candies - they love chocolate)
- Brown envelopes (6x9) and (7.5x10.5)
- White envelopes (10x13) and (No. 10 business size)
- Post its (3x3, 1.5x2, 4x6 --- the cheap ones work just great)
- Colored Precise Pilot Pens for grading lessons (Red-Green-Blue-Purple-etc)
- Yellow high lighters
- Standard Staples
- Scissors (adult size)
- Cleaning supplies (bathroom, plastic tables)
- Paper clips (large)
- White out
- Tissues
- Paper plates
- Napkins
- Plastic forks and spoons
- Ink pens
- Garbage bags (33 gal and 13 gal)
PO Box 128
Greenwich OH 44837-0128
Office: (419) 962-1515
For more information: CLICK HERE