Items Tagged with "Orva Hochstetler"
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Choosing Our Cross
Sometimes I stop and wonder why God in his merciful loveSent His only son, Jesus, down from the beautiful heaven above.Was it because our gracious God could see beyond that huge loss,And this was the only way to teach us to accept our own cross?God, in His great wisdom, must have known right from th Read More...
Forgive One Another
Are we drifting along through this life kinda half way asleep,And all the sins we are committing never cause us to weep?We feel no need of forgiveness and the forgiving of other too,But when we come before our Creator then what will we do? If we have days that seem like we're living our life in v Read More...
Author: Orva Hochstetler
Tags: victory, salvation, poetry, orva hochstetler, mission to amish people, map ministry, heart, forgiving, forgive, amish voice,
Tags: victory, salvation, poetry, orva hochstetler, mission to amish people, map ministry, heart, forgiving, forgive, amish voice,