Does Being Plain Make Me a Christian?



Have you ever wondered will happen after you die? Will it be heaven or hell?

If it’s heaven, how can you know?

Will it be because you dress the way you do? Will it be because you live without electricity and drive a horse and buggy?

Or will it be because Jesus Christ died on the cross for you, making the payment for the sins YOU have committed?

Which one matches what the Bible says?

What does God really say about the requirements of entering heaven?

I Know You Are Amish; Are You a Christian? is an in-depth look at what it really means for us to be true followers of Christ. Written by an Amish author, this book separates the differences between a lifestyle and true Christianity.

If you are Amish, and you are not sure about your salvation or have not yet made peace with God, this book is for you. Read it carefully and prayerfully and think deeply about what it says.

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