Excommunication and Shunning: Is It Biblical? (By: Joe Keim)
In Excommunication and Shunning: Is It Biblical?, Joe Keim recounts a brief history of the division between the Amish and the Mennonites that occurred in the 1690's. He then outlines three views of the practice of excommunication and shunning. In the first, a blind eye is turned toward scriptures that teach removal of fellowship with a believer who is engaged in sinful practices. The second view, which began with Jacob Amman when he broke away from the Mennonites in the 1690's, varies some from one Amish group to the next but has been greatly misused to the point of causing mental and emotional abuse. In the third view, Joe examines scriptures directed to believers regarding the Church's proper response to sin and wrongdoing within the Church. Throughout this examination, he asks questions and points to biblical examples and Jesus' specific instructions as our guides. (24 pages)
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