The Gospel of John



We try to keep the cost of these books low in an effort to make them an easily accessible resource; they make a wonderful evangelical tool and can be handed out to Amish men and women to help bring them to Christ.  

Bulk pricing on cases of The Gospel of John (52 books per case) are available for $104.00 ($2.00 per book) plus shipping and handling.

We try to keep the cost of these books low in an effort to make them an easily accessible resource; they make a wonderful evangelical tool and can be handed out to Amish men and women to help bring them to Christ.

If you're interested in ordering in bulk, please CLICK HERE.

This booklet contains the Gospel of John in three languages: German, PA Dutch and KJV.  

In addition to the Gospel of John being printed in three languages – side by side – there’s a fourth column that shares easy to understand commentary notes from three people; one from an English background, one from an Old Order Amish background and one from an Old Order Mennonite background.  The Lord led these three people, from different backgrounds, to put this together for the sake of reaching out to people who follow a man-made religion rather than the God of the Bible.  Religious people, particularly those of German descent, will pick this book up and understand God’s plan for salvation like never before. 

  • Parallel translations include the Luther Bibel 1545, Pennsylvania Dutch, and King James Version.
  • The fourth column contains notes from the perspective of former Old Order Amish and Old Order Mennonite individuals to help readers think about what they’re reading.
  • Readers are invited to read and study God’s Word for themselves and add their own notes.
  • A theological glossary includes words plain readers may not understand.
  • Appendices written by former Amish explain salvation through Christ alone.

This Gospel of John gives friends of Amish and Old Order Mennonites a way to share the wonderful truth of salvation by grace. It will open the door for further discussion and friendship between those who care and the plain people living among them. Our challenge to you is this: buy 5, 10, 20 or 50 of these and pass them out in Plain communities.  The cost of this book is kept as low as possible to provide as many copies as needed.

Cost: $2.50 Each
(Plus Shipping & Handling)

If you are ordering from outside the United States and Canada, please contact us for added shipping costs.  You can do so by clicking HERE.

Help us get a copy of the Gospel of John into the hands of Amish people who do not understand the gospel message.   

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