Schedule a MAP Presentation
1. To learn more about about Mission to Amish People, please go to the bottom of the page and request a Packet of Information.
2. Mission to Amish People offers two types of presentations, which are explained on this page.
Option #1 (Normal Church Presentation)
PowerPoint Presentation: Part 1 of 2
This PowerPoint presentation has 33 slides and takes about 50-60 minutes to cover the following topics:
* Anabaptist Movement
* Culture
* Beliefs and Practices
PowerPoint Presentation: Part 2 of 2
This PowerPoint presentation has 53 slides and takes about 40-45 minutes to cover the following topics:
* Testimonies
* Structure and Purposes of MAP
* Evangelizing and Discipling Amish People
Option #2 (Mini-Conference)
Amish: Our Friends, But Are They Believers?
If you're interested in having someone come to your church and present this 4-hour seminar, please contact our office at (419) 962-1515.
Option #3 (Two-Day Conference)
The 2-day Amish Awareness Conferences is geared toward giving God's people a greater awareness of the Amish with Revival Preaching and Singing. We will have Testimonies of former Amish. Each day, there will be Awareness sessions taught by capable men of God who are serving the Lord today.
Both the mini and 2-day conferences offer the following sessions:
Session 1: Anabaptism, Culture and Values
A beautiful culture and family values result from many years of persecution and suffering
Session 2: Beliefs, Legalism and Leaving
The gospel according to most Amish has six major elements. Rejecting one, could keep a person out of heaven
Session 3: Evangelism, Stumbling Blocks and Do’s and Don’ts
Why evangelism is necessary and three ways to connect with your Amish community
Session 4: Mission to Amish People and Helping the Former Amish
The start and history of a ministry and how God is moving among the Plain culture
- Work Book: Amish Our Friends, But Are They Believers?
- CD and DVD Sets: Audio and Video Presentations
Request More Information on the Ministry
If you are interested in knowing more about the ministry, please request a packet of information, by clicking below. Only church leaders need apply.
Information Included in the Packet:
- Brief description of our family Status, Burden, Calling, Current Status, and Invitation
- Brochure: Our Testimonies
- Brochure: MAP Ministries
- Brochure: Background and History of Amish People
- Some testimonies from the ones that we have worked with
- Prayer Card
- Doctrinal Statement
- Letter from our Pastor
- Our newsletter update
- 16 Minute Promotional Video
Attention! Packet can only be mailed to a church addresses