September 2017 MAP Update
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P.O. Box 128 | 575 US Highway 250 | Savannah OH 44874 | Office: (419) 962-1515 |
Spending Time in the Mid-West In-Klined to Build and Give Thanks Hutterites, Library, and an Addition Celebrating Our Precious Volunteers Salvation and Baptism God's Call is Real and Personal One of God's Finest Eli Lee Family Living Trust and Estate Planning Amish Awareness Conference 2018 |
Hutterites, Library, and an Addition, By Samuel Girod |
Unfortunately, when we were in contact with the Hutterites, we learned that they were having trouble finding someone who would be available and willing to pick them up and take them where they needed to go. Because my family and I live fourteen hours away, it was not feasible for us to fill the need. God had a plan the entire time, however. He sent a missionary preacher and his wife to our home church recently, and I soon realized that the visiting couple lived only about 100 miles away from the Hutterites. When the couple heard me tell the story about the Hutterites in need, they immediately expressed interest in helping them out; it was comforting to know that they would be getting help to escape the bondage and control of the Hutterite religion. Recently, I had the opportunity to speak in two different libraries. The Ripley County Tourism Bureau sponsored a series called World of Faith and Cultures, where I was asked to speak on the behalf of the Amish. At this event, I was able to share the gospel with the audience as well as with the other speakers, who represented the Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu, and Baha’i faiths.
In addition to praying for the Hutterite family and for our daughters, there is something else that we would like for you to pray for. God laid it on my heart a year ago to build an apartment on our property for those who want to leave their Plain communities. There is a closed Methodist church on a quarter-acre that joins our property, but it is without a septic system or water. If we could purchase it, we could possibly transform it into an apartment, because we have enough land to put a septic system in. We would appreciate your prayers for wisdom to know whether or not God wants us to have it. We put an offer in earlier but haven’t heard a response yet. Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations (Deuteronomy 7:9). Thank you for your support and prayers for our ministry; without you, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do. — Samuel and Polly Girod |
Salvation and Baptism, By Joe Keim |
As we carried Noah’s belongings into our home earlier this year, he looked at me and said, “Joe, I do not want to get rebaptized.” Five minutes later: “Joe, don’t ask me to get re-baptized.” After the third time, I said, “Noah, don’t worry about baptism now; we have lots of other things to worry about.” Several days later, Noah got radically saved at our dinner table. One day Noah said, “Joe, I would like to be baptized.” As Noah shared his testimony before the church on August 20, his tears were unstoppable; he shared his powerful testimony of growing up in an alcoholic home. Daniel, on the other hand, has been living with us and coming to my weekly Bible study for almost three months. On August 17, I asked, “Daniel, if the Bible said you could have everlasting life tonight, and know it, would you believe it?” He said yes. From there, we opened the Scriptures and began to read and study God’s plan of salvation. An hour or so later, Daniel’s eyes were miraculously opened to God’s love, His grace, and His forgiveness of sin. It happened right there on the floor, in our office. In a moment of time, Daniel’s eternal destination was changed forever. — Joe Keim |
One of God's Finest, By Joe Keim |
— Joe Keim
Living Trust and Estate Planning |
There are various ways you can leave something to continue the Lord’s work when you graduate to heaven:
Trained estate and tax planners can assist you in this area. Thanks for considering how you will be a good steward of God’s blessings. For details, call or email us: (419) 962-1515 or |
In-Klined to Build and Give Thanks, By Sam Kline |
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” That is my famous quote brought about by the seemingly endless struggles, obstacles, and yards of red tape that we face almost every day with the Beyond Measure Market (BMM) project. The Old Testament prophet Habakkuk wrote, The vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry (Habakkuk 2:3). We must stay the course, no matter what comes our way.
Progress is being made! The footers are completed, the store floor has been poured, and the walls and roof are set. The water line is connected and the electric is scheduled for installation. After the last nail has been driven, the final wall has been painted, the shelves are stocked, and the coolers and freezers are filled and operating, the time will have come for God to begin His plan for the property. After all the struggles are behind us, the red tape demands have been fulfilled, and my final “You’ve got to be kidding me” said, people’s lives will be changed for eternity because God used Beyond Measure Market, which we believe will truly be “Beyond Measure.” —Sam Kline, Project Manager of BMM and MAP board member Thank you, Sam, for all you’ve done to bring us to this day. We could not have done it without your determination and willingness to serve God! You are God’s gift from heaven! — Joe Keim |
Celebrating Our Precious Volunteers, By Jane Kopas |
Each summer, the volunteers are treated to a mystery outing. The group of mostly retired adults arrive at the MAP office about 9:00 and board vans to be taken to “only Tina knows where.” There is always a great deal of excitement and speculation as to where we might be going. That scene was played out again recently. We completely filled two vans, with not even the drivers knowing our destination until Tina gave them a map—many thanks to the drivers who dare to rise to this challenge. We traveled into the heart of the city of Cleveland and down to the water, where we boarded the Nautica Queen for a luncheon cruise. The Lord blessed us with a clear sunny day. After enjoying a buffet lunch in the air-conditioned dining room, we went up top to bask in the sunshine as we cruised along the lakefront. Some volunteers took a turn at the wheel, while others were content to sit and enjoy the view, the sun, and the breeze. At least one person sat very still, fixing her gaze on a stable object. Seasickness can be so unkind. We disembarked around 2:00 and re-boarded the vans. Our next stop again remained a mystery, even to the drivers. After a rather circuitous route, we arrived at the home of one of the volunteers, where we enjoyed a catered picnic dinner. The garden setting was beautiful and peaceful but not without some events to keep things from getting boring. We arrived back at the MAP office about 6:00 p.m., tired, but filled with memories of a quiet peaceful day with friends. — Jane Kopas, a volunteer It is not uncommon for people to call and tell us how much they love MAP. Recently, our very good friends Dallas and Millie connected us with their church in Florida, which has since become a monthly supporter. When passion and prayer come into play, God does miracles. We often have groups come to help us for a day or two. The picture shows our dear and long-time supporting friends from Northfield Baptist Church, who recently paid us a visit. We love when God’s people come and see all that the Lord is doing! Tina and our great volunteers have sent out over 57,000 Bible lessons to children so far this year, with over 160 student salvation testimonies. These volunteers come out faithfully to help reach the children with the truth and love of Jesus. We cannot thank them enough. Their real reward awaits them in eternity, but we like to show our appreciation to them with a volunteer outing each year. If you are interested in volunteering with the Bible Club ministry, contact Tina: (419) 962-1515 |
God's Call is Real and Personal, By Vernon and Felicia Schlabaugh |
The following year I had the opportunity to go with Joe Keim to visit an Amish family in Missouri, not knowing that the Lord was preparing a burden there for me. It was in 2006 that I began dating my future wife, Felicia, while I was attending Bible college at Victory Baptist Church. We got married in July 2008, and we now have two boys—JD and Xavier. In the summer of 2013 the Lord reminded me of the Amish people of Missouri, and He put a burning desire in me to take the hope of the gospel to them. We found out about a church in Columbia, Missouri, that also was looking to reach out to the Amish people. We visited the church twice during the next year and a half, and we moved there in July of 2015. We now have an egg carton ministry. We collect egg cartons at our church and deliver them in our community to families that are selling eggs. It is a way to get to know more families. Thanks, Charlie Miller, for the idea. A group of us has started gathering bi-weekly to learn of new needs and to pray for the Amish families. We are also working on starting a monthly Bible-study mailing to one of the communities. The mailing will be focused on family, with a Dad and Mom section, a Young Adult section, and a Children's section. Currently we have Floyd Yoder confirmed as a writer and are waiting on confirmation for someone else. We have a name (The Truth Chariot) for the mailing, but would welcome other suggestions. I would like to conclude with Acts 26:17-18, the words of the apostle Paul in his defense before King Agrippa: Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee, to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me [Christ]. The Lord has used these verses to confirm our calling to take the gospel to the Amish people. — Vernon and Felicia Schlabach, (573) 881-9137 |
Eli Lee Family, By Joe Keim |
To learn more about their ministry, go to It is mind-boggling what God is doing through the Lee family. Eli has agreed, if God provides, to return to the U.S. and speak at our March 2018 Amish Awareness/Missions/Family Conference. — Joe Keim |
Amish Awareness Conference 2018 |
We are excited to announce the next Amish Awareness Conference; coming to Savannah OH, in 2018. We are letting you know early so you can schedule your calendar and make plans to come to this great event. For updated details, go to We don’t have all the details ironed out; however, what information we do have, I will share with you: