January 2021 MAP Update
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575 US Highway 250 | Greenwich, OH 44837 | Office: (419) 962-1515 |
Help for a Haven |
We recently received an email from an Amish woman requesting help. She said that she had been in an abusive relation-ship with her husband and that she left him two years prior but decided to stay within the Amish community. She told me that she had been forced to go to counseling against her will with a counselor that the Amish church selected. She stayed with the counselor for one month before going home. Soon after, the church tried to force her to go to counsel-ing again, and she refused. She later heard that the Amish church was planning to grab her and force her to go again in fear that she was planning to leave. However, she managed to get a new job, and things calmed down. Now, it seems that the church trusts her to stay Amish. I had the privilege of talking to her for two hours on the phone one evening. I let her share her story, and after an hour, I asked her if she had an English Bible. She did have one, so I asked her if she knew where she was going to go when she dies. Her response was that she hopes she will go to Heaven but wasn’t entirely sure. I asked her to read John 3:16, a verse that she said that she had never really heard of. I explained the verse to her in a lan-guage that we both know very well (Swiss). Before I could even finish trans-lating, she began to sob uncontrollably. I paused to give her some time to recollect herself. I then continued to explain the Gospel, and she accepted Christ right then over the phone! Later, when I asked her where she would go when she died, her response was, “Heaven with Jesus.” At this time, she doesn’t want her name or picture out, but we have plans to meet her during the first week of January. She has many questions and has been married for nineteen years with no children. The reason I am sharing her testimony is that she now wants to leave the Amish, but has no place to go. We have an apartment that we have been working on for the past two years, but it has not been finished due to a lack of funds. If you, or anyone you know, would be able to donate toward our apartment ministry, we would greatly appreciate it. Our current needs include:
If you would like to donate towards our apartment ministry, follow the links at mapministry.org (“Get involved”, “Give Online”). Please make a note that your donation is for Samuel and Polly’s apartment. —Sincerely, Samuel and Polly |
Step Out of the Boat Conference |
Step Out of the Boat Conference! March 25—27, Savannah, OH Details online at /step-out-of-the-boat-conference The Lord has been burning a conference in my heart. Today, I want to invite you to seriously pray, mark you calendar, — and prepare to GET FIRED UP! It is time to get out of our Americanized Christianity comfort zones and get busy win-ning our desperate world to Christ. We cannot continue to sit idle! We have the answer, but lack passion and zeal. I chal-lenge you to make the first step towards getting out of the rut!
My prayer is that you will make the choice to come, to bring friends (saved and unsaved alike), and that your soul would be lit on fire for God! — Joe Keim |