2011 January
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PO Box 128/575 State Route 250 N, Savannah OH 44874 Office: (419) 962-1515 |
Personal Greeting from Joe Keim |
As we begin this new year, three powerful words come to mind. They are loyalty, commitment and faithfulness. Let me explain why and see if you can relate with me. During the past 11 years of ministry, my journey has allowed me to cross the paths of many thousands of people. In most cases, it was only a hand shake and a few words and then on to other things. In other instances, a brand new acquaintance sprung into a powerfully strong relationship. But even then, some of those powerful relationships, for whatever reason, fizzled out quickly. Sometimes it had to do with the fact that our interests grew in different directions or business got in the way. Other times our paths separated and went in opposite directions because of a disagreement that took place between us (these separations are the most difficult for me; I tend to blame myself and hang on to things I shouldn’t). But then there is that other group—the smallest of all. They are the ones that hang with you through the thick and thin. They are in it for the long haul. No battle is too large and no squabble is too thick! They are called the loyal ones; the committed ones; and the faithful ones! Having said that, let me share the conclusion of my heart: I want, first of all, to thank our Lord that He allowed you and me to cross each others path. Secondly, I want to thank you for your loyalty, commitment and faithfulness to MAP during 2010. It would not have been the same without you. It is my fervent prayer that during this next year, God would use you and us at MAP in a greater way then ever before. Let’s stay totally loyal, fully committed and forever faithful to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. —Joe |
Important Announcement to All of Our 2010 Donors |
Sometime during the month of January, we will be sending out the year end receipts to all of our donors. If for some reason you have not received your receipt by the end of January, please call our office and ask to speak with Tina Duffield. Also, donors, with your receipt, we are going to include our top goals for the new year. About half way through the year, in July, we will send you a “Goals in Process” report. This is our way of showing accountability to you and your generous and faithful support. It’s going to be a great year, so, go ahead and take the plunge with us! |
Update on Uriah --Joe Keim |
Many of you continue to ask about Uriah, who shared his testimony in the last newsletter. Earlier this month, he had the opportunity to travel from Wisconsin and visit us for several days and he told us that some of you sent him a financial gift, cards of encouragement, books and music cd’s. With the money, he was able to get his teeth fixed as well as buy clothes and other immediate needs. And as Uriah would say, “I am overwhelmed at the large size of God’s family and their generosity.”
Joe thought you might want to know how I am doing. I left the Amish on the first day of Nov, and let me say this, I understand a lot of people go through what I did in leaving my family, but this does not just happen with the Amish; I received a newsletter from OPENDOORS ministry, located in a foreign land, and there are some people who get killed if they accept Christ as there Savoir. All I can say is that we as Amish have to go through so little compared to what they have to, or for that matter, Christ had to go through a lot more than we have to, just so we could have eternal life with the Father in heaven. Isn't GOD amazingly good! I am going to a good church now and I understand the eternal salvation that we have in Jesus Christ, and that not even our best of good works can help us get into heaven.
Doesn't that verse show us that we are nothing without the Lord? And are helpless without Christ Jesus as our Savior? God has laid it on a family's heart, here in my area of Wisconsin, to take me under there wing, as well as give me schooling and to just be there for me and to discipline me as a father would his son, which I am very thankful for. You know, we as boys can stumble easily in this world, as can every human, but everything is going good so far. I want to thank all who have sent me financial support and have taken the time to just pray for me and my family. I was going to send out thank you cards to every one but just didn't get it done yet. I have a job at a dairy farm, which is the same farm I got to hear the gospel at. I really like it. In ending, I would like to give some prayer requests. Please pray that God will open my family's eyes and that God would help strengthen me for whatever lies in the road ahead. —Uriah |
Bible Club Testimonies |
68,000 Bible Lessons --Robert McCallum |
Accomplishments in 2010
How Can You Help? If you feel lead of the Lord to help, here are several things you can do:
As you can see, the needs are great but our God has blessed mightily. He uses people like yourself to spread His Word of salvation to the lost. |
Hundreds of Prayer Requests --Robert McCallum |
You would be amazed at what is on the hearts of these young people. The requests run from the humorous requests for brothers, sisters, dogs, cats and ponies to the serious matters that have never been told to anybody else. A good number of requests deal with battling depression. Since their belief teaches them that they cannot know if they are saved, they live in a world that offers them no assurance of the future. For the most part, they are trusting in their own deeds to get them to heaven, and when they do not measure up, they live in constant fear of not being “good enough”. This is part of the reason many live in fear and doubt. II Timothy 1:7 reads: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” What a joy it is to know Christ as our Savior and understand that we can have victory in this life and hope for the future. |
2010's Top Ten --Joe Keim |
![]() This year’s Christmas Dinner was attended by 61 members of our staff, board and volunteers. As always, we had a great time of fellowship with each other. After dinner, some of our key staff and volunteers made their way up and shared highlights of 2010. I wish you could have been there. At times the stories were very funny and other times they brought tears. Throughout, and again at the end of our celebration night, we couldn't help but rejoice and marvel at all the Lord accomplished through willing hearts like yours and mine. I Cor 3:9 reminds us of the following: "For WE are laborers TOGETHER with God..." The following areas of ministry are 2010 highlights:
Mentoring and Disciplship --Joe Keim |
![]() Is there anything better than to come along side a young couple with tons of potential? If so, it would have to be few, far and in-between. Esther and I have had the best of times with Monroe and Tiffany, and so many other young people, as we journeyed together in 2010. We have spent time together in Bible studies, prayer meetings, a Love and Respect conference, and together, we have handled many curve ball situations that life threw at us. Here is a short testimony from Monroe and Tiffany. Monroe and Tiffany write:
We would like to say thank you to Joe and Esther, for all the mentoring, teaching, willingness to talk and listen. They have had a huge impact on our young Christian lives. Currently, we are on our 13th study in the ABC's of Christian Growth Bible study book with them and look forward to our next meeting. We feel so blessed for the time they have taken to help us and are so glad they answered God's call to ministry work! May God bless them as they have blessed us! |
The Need for a Full Time Counselor --Joe Keim |
It is obvious that MAP is at a point of needing their own counselor. In the past year, we dealt with numer-ous situations that were desperate and needed im-mediate attention. And, up until this point, we have always leaned on other ministries to help us out, however, many of the counseling ministries that work with a plain people background, are booked full for 1 to 3 years and live in other states. After spending the past two years researching various counseling programs, we have come to the conclu-sion that “Caring for the Heart Ministries, by John Regier” is exactly what we are looking for. In order for us to become a certified counseling minis-try with Regier’s program, we would need a minimum of $3,500 to get started. If the Lord would lay this ministry on your heart and lead you to participate in financing it, please let me know. I would be more than happy to give you all the details. |
I Wanted to Die; I Had no Hope! -- Robert McCallum |
![]() Last month we introduced you to Mary. She came from Kentucky and is now staying with Joe and Esther Keim. Mary accepted Jesus as her personal Savior and is plan-ning to follow the Lord in baptism shortly. This month Mary wanted to share with you some of her tes-timony as to how God is work-ing in her heart. Mary Says: I was born into the Amish and lived most of my life in Michigan. When I was 15 my father passed away on Decem-ber 22, 1997. Then on May 20, 2005 my brother passed away in a farm accident. I always thought the Amish church wor-ried more about the rules than people. The night of my brother’s funeral proved that to me. The Bishops came and ex-communicated me, that night, because I knew my brother had a stereo and we had gone to visit my ex-Amish sister. The day after that, they announced it in church. I was eventually allowed back in but was constantly at odds with the leader-ship over various rules. In February of 2006 I left the Amish Church. I was ex-communicated and separated from my family. I had a friend who helped me leave and I was taken in by people who helped those in need. For almost four years things went well. I was working steady and taking care of myself. My feelings toward God were that He was there, but other than that, if people left me alone about the subject, I would leave them alone. I would go to church with friends, but it had no real meaning to me. In March of 2009 I met a guy who seemed to be my friend. Unfortu-nately, he led me down the wrong path. I let my feelings cloud my judgment and got involved in a sinful lifestyle. Things finally got so bad that I just wanted to die. God, however, did not permit this to happen. I was in bad shape emo-tionally, physically and spiritually. I had no hope. I was blessed with a good Christian friend, Barbara. She would always listen to me as I poured out my heart. She was in Ohio and I was in Kentucky but she still cared and tried to help. One day she told me about Joe Keim who is part of Missions to Amish People. Joe called and we talked. He then had Robert call me. I really was not sure, since he was a complete stranger. We started talking and eventually be-gan communicating on a regular basis. I liked the fact that he was positive. We talked a lot about God and who He was. I wanted God to take away all my prob-lems. Robert explained that I needed a personal relationship with Him. I realized that I was missing Jesus. At the time I was still in Kentucky living with friends and going to church with them. It was then I realized that I needed Christ as my personal Savior. One day in church, I went forward and asked Christ into my heart! What a change! I had been suffering from depression for so long. Now that Christ is my Savior I know God cares and will be with me always. I still have problems but I do not have to go through life alone. I would ask you to pray for me as I grow in Christ. Robert and I are having regular Bible studies and Pastor Bouquet has been a real encouragement. I am spending a lot of time helping in the office at MAP. Please pray that I would be able to find a job. I have been looking and praying that God would lead me to the one He has for me. |