My Daddy
By Jonathan Helmuth
November 1, 2011
I remember when in days gone by
When in childhood tenderly
A little boy in his daddy's lap
Would hear the old story
The story of old Abraham
And Peter, James and John
But most of all I remember when,
You would hold your little son.
I remember when my daddy dear
Would take my little hand
You'd guide my little footsteps
And help me understand
Life is short and death is sure
Don't build upon the sand
But most of all I remember when
You'd hold my little hand
This little boy loved being with
His daddy as he talked
Of Jesus and the lame man
Who got up and he walked
You talked about a blind man
Whom Jesus healed one day
But most of all I remember when
We knelt, and you would pray
Now years have come and years have gone
And I have children too
And I do pray and talk with them
About Jesus, just like you
I hold them and I take them
By their little hand
And lead them to their Daddy
Who reigns in glory land
Someday up there on streets of gold
My Daddy I will see
I'll run into his warm embrace
Of love so tenderly
I'll listen to his beating heart
And gaze upon his face
Cause Daddy told me about Him
And his amazing grace
By Jonathan Helmuth (Father's Day 2007)
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