Should St. Lawrence County Require Safety Signs on Amish Buggies?
| May 6, 2015St. Lawrence, New York - Monday night the St. Lawrence County Legislature voted to table a resolution that would ask the state to require Amish buggies to display orange, reflective triangles.
People on both sides of the buggy debate spoke at the meeting.
Mark Matthews, a member of the Kendrew Grange in DeKalb, the group that brought the buggy issue to legislator Larry Denesha, said his group is focused on safety.
Middlebury's Old Timer's Tell Tales of Pranks, Halloween Tricks
| May 6, 2015Middlebury, Indiana - On hearing that confession is good for the soul, Chuck Mather stood up at an Old Timers’ meeting, a free event held once a year in Middlebury for young and old alike, and he told the audience about a buggy prank that he and some of his friends pulled when they were young men many decades ago.
During the 1930s through the early 1980s, before video games and cell phones gave idle young men something to do with their hands, they would get into mischief, especially on Halloween.
Judge Finds Amish Father, Son Guilty on Poop Law
| May 6, 2015Russellville, Kentucky - An Amish father and son were found by a jury to have violated a local ordinance concerning the collection of large animal waste.
Amos Mast and his son, Dan Mast, both of Auburn, were found guilty today in Logan District Court of violating the Auburn city ordinance on three separate occasions in January.
Lancaster, Strasburg among Top 10 most Beautiful Towns in Pennsylvania
| May 1, 2015Lancaster, Pennsylvania - The folks at the Culture Trip recently released their guide to the 10 most beautiful towns in Pennsylvania, and two of their choices are located here in Lancaster County.
Lancaster city was lauded for its “unique shops and boutiques, a plethora of outstanding restaurants and a beautiful countryside.”
Strasburg was recognized for its railroad attractions and its countryside, which was described as “rich in history and beauty.”
Amish Man Gets 8-16 Years for Molestation
| April 29, 2015Washington Township, Pennsylvania - A 48-year-old Amish man was sentenced to eight to 16 years in state prison and 10 years of state probation Tuesday for sexually molesting several children on a regular basis between 1997 and 2012 in Washington Township.
Though John Stoltzfus Beiler, of Allenwood, initially faced nearly 30 charges last year related to molesting five girls and three boys, he pleaded guilty to only some of the charges, all felonies, as part of a plea agreement in January.

Martin Miller
| April 27, 2015I was born and raised in an Old Order Amish community in Ohio. I loved growing up Amish and valued and learned much from the closeness of community, the importance of a good work ethic, and the value of family.
My Dad passed away when I was sixteen. I never really had a very close relationship with him because I always thought that he was too strict. My Mom was a huge part of my life, but I never had a close relationship with her, either. Unfortunately, I could never really express my inner feelings to my parents.
Man Sentenced to Treatment, more Jail Time after Series of Attacks on Amish in Geauga County
| April 27, 2015Geauga County, Ohio - Geauga County Common Pleas Judge David L. Fuhry had a message for Gerald Wise.
“You have an opportunity here to redeem yourself,” Fuhry cautioned. “Don’t blow it.”
Wise, 19, of Cleveland, was the last of three men to learn his fate for a series of attacks on the Amish.
'It Will Take Some Real Courage to Go on,' Says Father of Boy who Died in Farm Accident
| April 25, 2015Pulaski Township, Michigan – A sharp, intuitive 2-year-old, Jonathan Miller had just realized his boots were not interchangeable.
As he put the proper foot into one of them he smiled mischievously at his mother as if to say, "Is this right?"
Soon, he was out the door, looking back to see if his dad was following.
Mary Bell: Courtesy is Key when Sharing Roads with Amish
| April 24, 2015It has been my privilege in recent years to become friends with several members of the Amish community in the southeastern corner of our state. One afternoon earlier this month, I visited three Amish friends. At each home, I was told about a buggy accident that occurred in March, which resulted in the deaths of a young father and his 6-month-old daughter.
Each person told the story with deep, heartfelt sadness. Although the accident took place near Gilman, Wis., everyone reacted as if they were neighbors, reflecting a deep-rooted belonging to a larger community.
Don Kraybill: 5 takeaways from scholar's speech on the 'Amish Riddle'
| April 20, 2015In the first half of the 20th century, there were only a few thousand Amish in North America, and scholars were predicting their demise, Professor Donald Kraybill told his audience Monday evening.
Fast forward to 2015. There are about 300,000 Amish, and the population is doubling every 18 to 20 years.
"This rapid growth is what motivated me to explore this question ... how do the Amish flourish in the midst of modernity?" Kraybill said.
Girl Shot With Shotgun In Mercer Co.
| April 18, 2015Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – A young Amish girl was flown to the hospital after she was shot with a shotgun this afternoon.
It happened at a farm in Lackawannock Township in Mercer County.
Police say the girl’s father was out shooting groundhogs and other rodents, when he put the shotgun down to go fishing.
Lessons from Unvaccinated Amish: ‘I Wanted to die'
| April 10, 2015Holmes County, Ohio - An I-Team analysis of Ohio school vaccination data found that the schools with the highest rates of unvaccinated children tend to be in the Amish community, especially in Holmes County.
But some schools in southwest Ohio are not far behind, and one area school district has a higher exemption rate than Holmes schools.
Ex-Amish Man Speaks Out About Wrongs
| April 9, 2015Albert Lee, 23, who was born Amish and has since left the community, spoke with KMZU’s Shaylee Miller about the charges of child abuse coming from the Bogard Amish community.
Albert Lee left the Amish community at the age of 15, after being mistreated his entire youth by an abusive father and an enabling mother. His father has since been convicted and incarcerated for his years of neglect to his children. Lee’s father, Andrew Lee, was arrested while living in Lamar, Missouri and currently remains incarcerated.
Ex-Amish Man Speaks Out About Wrongs
| April 9, 2015Albert Lee, 23, who was born Amish and has since left the community, spoke with KMZU’s Shaylee Miller about the charges of child abuse coming from the Bogard Amish community.
Albert Lee left the Amish community at the age of 15, after being mistreated his entire youth by an abusive father and an enabling mother. His father has since been convicted and incarcerated for his years of neglect to his children. Lee’s father, Andrew Lee, was arrested while living in Lamar, Missouri and currently remains incarcerated.
Auburn Amish Men to be Put on Trial
| April 9, 2015Auburn, Kentucky - Two Amish men are heading to trial on May 6 over horse manure.
Amos Mast and his son Dan appeared in a Logan County District Court today for a pre-trial conference, and both men said they wanted a jury trial together.
The two Amish, who live in the Auburn community, have been cited for violation of the city of Auburn’s animal ordinance, which requires all large animals to have collection devises on them to prevent manure from gathering on the streets and parking areas. The violation carries with it a $50 fine and $143 in court costs.

Ora Jay Eash
| April 7, 2015I had a very fun and adventurous childhood! Growing up in my Old Order Amish community, I got to experience things that many do not get to experience, and I got to try things without always being told to be careful. I also appreciated the work ethic and family life that I was blessed with; I knew that my parents cared about me and what I did, and this meant a lot to me!
As a married young man, I began working for an English couple and helped them remodel their house. One day, the family left me by myself to work on their house with the television on. As I was working, I heard an evangelist begin to speak and ask people to pray with him to accept God. At the time, I didn't know what that meant, but I was very drawn to it.
Man Sentenced to Jail for Driving Van Filled with Amish while High
| April 6, 2015Bluff Siding, Wisconsin - A Minnesota man accused of getting high while driving a van full of Amish passengers to Iowa has pleaded guilty to fifth-offense felony operating with restricted controlled substance.
Trenton A. Anderson, 37, of LeRoy, Minn., was sentenced in Buffalo County District Court to serve three years of probation and 12 months in jail, with credit for 78 days already served. Four months of jail time will be stayed if Anderson complies with conditions of probation. A 30-day jail credit was given for inpatient treatment. Anderson’s driver’s license was revoked for two years and vehicle ignition interlock devices are required for two years.
Carroll County Man Arrested for Child Molestation
| April 2, 2015Carroll County, Missouri - A Carroll County resident has been taken into custody on 3 felony charges.
According to court records, Leander Gingerich, 26, of Bogard, was arrested Wednesday after a warrant was served for his arrest. Gingerich has been charged with 1 count of 1st degree statutory sodomy- deviate sexual intercourse with a person less than 14, and 2 counts of 1st degree child molestation.
Trial Opens for Man Accused of Sexually Abusing Amish Boys
| March 31, 2015Fonda, New York - The trial of a St. Johnsville man accused of sexually abusing six Amish boys from two western Montgomery County families over several years opened Tuesday in Montgomery County Court.
Montgomery County District Attorney Jed Conboy told a jury that allegations against Robert A. Madsen, 48, date back to 2006 and involve boys as young as 12 at the time of the abuse.
Amish Family Plans to Stay in Home Despite Court Order
| March 24, 2015 Fairchild, Wisconsin - Amos Borntreger has no plans to leave the house he built for his wife and five children in rural Fairchild despite a court order to vacate the property.
“I guess we’ll take it one day at a time and see what happens,” Borntreger, 29, said Tuesday. “I don’t plan on moving.”
Borntreger lives on property adjacent to that of his father, Clemens Borntreger.
Judge Orders Amish Family to Vacate Home
| March 23, 2015Fairchild, Wisconsin - A ruling Monday that an Amish couple and their four young children have to vacate their rural Fairchild home “immediately” for failing to obtain the proper sanitary and building permits may have a much greater impact, according to the family’s attorney.
Matthew Krische, attorney for renters Amos and Vera Borntreger and homeowner Clemens Borntreger, said the ruling by Eau Claire County Judge Kristina Bourget that the Borntregers were in contempt of a court order may influence whether a large segment of Old Order Amish remain in the county.
Conservative Anabaptists Reject Fundamentalism
| March 23, 2015Nappanee, Indiana - Chester Weaver believes in fundamentals of Christianity such as the virgin birth, Christ’s bodily resurrection and the creation story. Fundamentalism, however, is another matter — and one at odds with Anabaptism, according to him.
Participants at the Anabaptist Identity Conference peruse tables of books and CDs March 12-14 near Nappanee, Ind. — Rich Preheim
“Fundamentalism has taught conservative Mennonites to be spiritual abusers and to feel good about it,” Weaver, a Beachy Amish minister, told an assembly of theologically and culturally conservative Amish, Mennonites and Hutterites meeting near Nappanee March 12-14.
Senate Panel Advances Bill for Amish Photo-less ID Cards
| March 18, 2015Indianapolis, Indiana – The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles could soon issue photo-less state identification cards under a proposal that an Indiana Senate committee passed Tuesday.
The Homeland Security and Transportation Committee voted 8-0 to approve the measure, which would allow a religious exemption to Indiana's photo requirement on state IDs. The measure now goes to the full Senate for consideration. The House already passed the measure on an 82-14 vote.
Amish Girl, 3, Killed in House Fire
| March 18, 2015Butler Township, Michigan - A 3-year-old Amish girl was killed in a house fire west of Litchfield Wednesday.
The fire broke out before 11 a.m. at a home in the 1100 block of Crandell Road east of Clarendon Road in Butler Township, according to the Branch County Sheriff’s Office.
Beards Encouraged but not Required: Brethren Openness Draws Converts
| March 15, 2015Gettysburg, Ohio - They aren’t Amish, but even many of their neighbors in rural Darke County, Ohio misidentify the little-known Old Order German Baptist Brethren, or Petitioners — a nickname bestowed on the group when they broke away from their larger church over a century ago.
The lack of attention suits the Petitioners just fine.

Naomi Julien
| March 9, 2015My name is Naomi Julien, and I grew up in an Old Order Amish community. The Amish culture does a great job of teaching the importance of being responsible, being respectful, and appreciating even the small things in life, and for that, I am very glad to have had the opportunity to grow up in the culture. In addition, I had a really good relationship with my parents right up until I decided to leave the Amish, and I enjoyed all of the time we had together.
I ultimately decided to leave the Amish because I wanted my life to be of higher quality, and I wanted to be able to serve God as opposed to constantly being forced to obey man-made rules. Plus, my older sister had already left the Amish, and I knew she would be there to help me start out by guiding me and showing me which steps to take to start out my new, non-Amish life.
Missing Amish Teen Returning to Fleming County
| March 9, 2015Flemingsburg, Kentucky - An Amish teenager who ran away from her Fleming County family in February is returning home.
Sheriff Gary Kinder said he received a phone call from the father of 16-year-old Clara Shetler on Sunday. The father said Shetler had been living in Lake of the Ozarks, Mo., and was on her way home.
Hutterites Embrace Technology for Business, Education
| March 8, 2015Ritzville, Washngton – On a foggy morning, a woman in traditional black colonial dress darted from her home to the community mess hall, like a messenger with critically important news. Down the street, John Stahl Sr. sat at a wooden desk handmade by Hutterite colony members, typing on an iPhone 6.
“For us to survive, we got to be connected to the latest technology to be efficient,” said Stahl, a Hutterite and president of Stahl Farms.
Judge Cuts Prison Terms for Amish
| March 3, 2015Cleveland, Ohio - Eight members of an Amish sect received reduced prison sentences yesterday in the wake of a federal-court ruling in Ohio that they did not commit a hate crime when they cut off the beards and hair of fellow members of their faith.
Sect leader Samuel Mullet, 69, who had received the longest sentence of all 16 people charged in the case, was resentenced yesterday to 10 years and 9 months in prison, a reduction from 15 years. He has served three years in prison.
Amish Boy Hit by Car after Running Stop Sign on His Pony ...and His Steed was Killed on Impact
| March 2, 2015Clarion County, Pennsylvania - An Amish boy in central Pennsylvania was seriously hurt after he was hit by a car and thrown 30 feet when he ran a stop sign on his pony.
The boy's steed was killed shortly after impact on State Route 208 in rural Clarion County - about 90 miles northeast of Pittsburgh.