Mission to Amish People was founded in 2001 with the purpose of evangelizing and discipling Amish and Former Amish as well as assisting those that leave the Amish by providing education, housing, and basic life skill training. read more...
Our Amish Awareness Conferences focus on equipping God's people for evangelism and discipleship among their Amish neighbors
Date: To be determined
Location: To be determined
Phone: (419) 962-1515
Sample Conference Schedule:
Day #1:
Session 1: Anabaptist
Scroll down to play or download audio sessions from the 2015 Amish Awareness Conference. They are available to 2015 conference attendees at no cost. Should you be interested in purchasing the 22 sessions on a USB drive or set of CD's for your personal collection, they are available for $45.00 Postag
Amish Awareness Conference
Our Amish Awareness conference is focused on equipping attendees for evangelism and discipleship among Amish neighbors and friends in America and Canada.
In our conference workshops, speakers come from an Amish background and will talk about who the Ami
Amish Awareness Conferences are anywhere from one to three days long. The goal for these conferences is to teach Christians the following sessions:
Amish Awareness Conference
Anabaptist Movement (1 session)
Amish Culture (1 session)
Amish Beliefs (2 sessions)
Legalism and How it