Items Tagged with "Donations"
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Care Program
Office Supplies The following list gives you an idea what we use at the office on a daily basis. Ink Cartridges (Call the office to find out which ones we need) Scotch tape refillsGas Cards or gift cards (for volunteer appreciation) Coffee (Maxwell regular) Paper towels Toi Read More...
Legacy Giving
Memorial or Honorarium Gifts If you would like to give a gift in memory of or in honor of someone, please call our office at (419) 962-1515 and ask for Tina Duffield. You will need to provide the following information: Your name and address. The name of the recipient of the honorarium or memori Read More...
2004 March
CONTENTS Personal Greeting - Joe Keim Thank You Donation Center Baptisms A Time of Celebration The Lord Wins Again... ...And Again Missions Trip to Papa New Guinea Missions Trip to Costa Rica SonLight Club Student Testimony PO Box 128/575 State Read More...
2004 May
CONTENTS Personal Greeting - Joe Keim Jonathan Keim - Preaching the Word Raymond Schlabaugh - Savlation & Baptism Sam & Chris Slabaugh - Missions Trip Update SonLight Club - Bible Correspondence Courses Donation Center Our Volunteers Amish Families Selling Out t Read More...
2004 September
...we could fix up the old elementary school where we have our donations stored for the ones who leave the Amish. Well, after some discussion with the home church and the Ford Foundation it was decided to use the grant money towards a new building which sets directly behind the home church. This buildi Read More...
2004 November
...from southern part of Ohio stands in front of a big pile of donations that his church had gathered up. The thing we need most of right now is small men’s and women’s clothing (especially long sleeved shirts), bed sheets & blankets, clothes hampers and vacuum cleaner. Top of Read More...
2003 November
...receipt for the fair market value of the donation. Monetary donations to the ministry are always recorded by our treasurer and at the end of the year you will get a tax receipt. If you have any questions please contact our treasurer, Sam Gray at or (419) 289-2252. Top Read More...