Feedback and Response
This area allows you to see all the articles in one place.

Being a Submissive Wife, by Mrs. WH
| May 1, 2019I have a suggestion for a future article. I used to think that a submissive wife would quietly go along with what her husband decided, showing little emotion, etc. I have come to realize that most men do not actually want passive, unemotional wives, but wives who can voice her concern and disagreement in a calm, kind voice—no pouting, etc. And, most importantly, have a smile and a spark (even if he is rather dull), encouraging, praising, and continually surprising him in little ways.

Let God be the Judge, By PM
| March 1, 2019Some years ago we were working at a place, and one evening on the way home, the driver asked the boy up front if he was saved, and he said he hopes to be. The man stopped and said, "Let's pray for this boy. Nobody will be saved on hopes.

A Movement of God, By AM
| January 1, 2019Enclosed is a check to help you pay for your newsletters. We thank you for all the efforts you put in to keep them going. Lives are being touched. There is currently a movement of God going on in some of our churches. People are finding freedom in Christ and having a personal relationship with their Lord and Savior.

Abuse and Pornography, By MY
| November 1, 2018First of all, I will say that the article on abuse probably has some value (“Relating to Perpetrators and Relating to Victims,” by Ann Detweiler). It is very, very sad that God’s people have to deal with such things, and obvious sins start from what man thinks.

I Will Believe What I Feel Is Right, By DT
| November 1, 2018I agree that just because we don’t drive cars or have cell phones we are no better than anyone else, but if we leave the denomination we were baptized in, the Lord will not know us on Judgment Day. So believe whatever you want, and I will believe what I feel is right.

Beware of False Prophets, By RCY
| September 8, 2018The Bible tells us to beware of false prophets. Search your heart, and can you truthfully say from the bottom of your heart that there is nothing wrong with smartphones and all that other modern technology? Are you just taking out of the Bible what you want and twisting it to how you want it?

If I'm Deceived, How Am I Going to Know It?, By MP
| September 8, 2018Hello. Someone gave me the Amish Voice, and I thought there were some good articles in there. I really appreciated the last article that I read, “Living in the Stronghold of Deception.” It’s so easy, I think. If I’m deceived, how am I going to know it? You know, because a deceived person thinks he’s right. And you can’t just walk up to somebody and say, “You’re deceived” because it would never work that way.

Keep on in Hope (Part 2), By Mrs. W.S.
| July 1, 2018Amish Voice: Why do you call your paper the Amish Voice? You know that some of the things you are trying to preach aren’t in the Old Order Amish beliefs! The main thing I have an issue with is this new belief of knowing one is saved! We read a lot of die Hoffnung and know that we have to “Keep on in die Hoffnung (hope)!”

Shew Thyself Approved, By SL
| July 1, 2018Amish Voice, Please continue with articles based on the Word of God. I very much appreciate your Feedback and Response Section, where you try and respond back according to the Word of God. It seems in our time, a lot of people will approve of something because other people approve it. Or, they will be opposed to something because other people give a negative report. Instead, lets search the Scripture and study to shew thyself approved unto God, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

You Face Opposition, but so did Jesus, by Emma
| May 1, 2018Keep up the good work! I know you face opposition, but so did Jesus. I’m also thankful for some opposition so we know Jesus is working. If Satan would leave us alone, then he would be sure he has us in his clutches already.

Resisting Leadership, by JG
| May 1, 2018Please take our name off your mailing list. Could you direct your energy more toward guarding the people who took the step that you have, trying to keep them from moving on out into the world. If you look at the next generations, you cannot keep from being alarmed. I have cousins that are not so sure that the “creation” is a true story. Seems if someone starts to resist leadership, soon they are in conflict, which subjects them to sin. Serve the Lord with a perfect heart.

Keep up the Good Work, by E. T.
| March 1, 2018Good Morning, Greetings on a cold Monday morning. I would like to order one of your books, The Overcoming Life. And here is some money to help pay for your newsletter. Finally! Keep up the good work! I know you face opposition, but so did Jesus. I’m also thankful for some opposition, so we know Jesus is working. If Satan would leave us alone, then he would be sure he has us in his clutches already.

Keep on in Hope, by Mrs. W. S.
| March 1, 2018Why do you call your paper the Amish Voice? You know that some of the things you are trying to preach aren’t in the Old Order Amish beliefs! The main thing I have an issue with is this new belief of knowing one is saved! We read a lot of die Hoffnung and know that we have to “Keep on in die Hoffnung (hope)!”

All Glory to God, By A.M.T.
| January 1, 2018Dear Friends, We are sending a donation to you. We have been on your mailing list for a couple of years, and we greatly enjoy reading the Amish Voice. It is always packed full of the truth. It brings great joy to our hearts when we see our people come to the truth, understand salvation, and be free from the stronghold of religious deception and traditions.

God Has an Ordinance in Everything, by M.H.
| January 1, 2018Dear Writers of the Amish Voice, growing up in the Amish, I was always taught that the only way to heaven was through Jesus Christ and being born of the Spirit; I was taught that the ordinances of the church were simply a helpful set of guidelines – not the way to heaven. It sounds like the writers of your magazine grew up in churches that are different and not familiar to me.
Look around yourself. God has an ordinance in everything from the sun, moon, and stars to the seasons; the list could go on and on.

Being a Submissive Wife, By Mrs. H
| November 1, 2017Hello. Thank you for reaching out to our spiritual needs. May God continue to bless your efforts.
I used to think that a submissive wife would quietly go along with what her husband decided, showing little emotion, etc. I have come to realize that most men do not actually want passive, unemotional wives, but a wife who can voice her concern and disagreement in a calm, kind voice—no pouting, etc. And, most importantly, have a smile and a spark (even if he is rather dull). Encouraging, praising, and continually surprising him in little ways.

The Holy Bible is our TRUE Guidance, by M. A. H.
| November 1, 2017Please do not send the “Amish Voice” to this address. We have the Holy Bible for our TRUE guidance. We can go to church and hear the Word preached by servants ordained by God. Why don’t you send these things to unbelievers? Why the name “Amish Voice”?
I am under the assumption (I may be wrong) that the folks doing this are not Old Order Amish and use modern conveniences. Why are people led away from denying themselves these things?
It happens with people that say, “Oh, yes, we can serve God and have worldly things as long as our heart is right.”

I Cannot Walk Together Unless We Be Agreed, By Kentucky
| September 1, 2017Dear Friends, we have been receiving your little publication, The Amish Voice, for about a year. With a sad heart, we have taken note of the scornful title and misleading articles that are published. I have resisted the urging of my dear wife to send this notice much earlier, but it has gotten to the point that I can no longer disregard this misleading material coming into our home, and I feel sure that I will be successful in finding other materials to use to start a fire. So I request the removal of my name from your mailing list once and for all.

Let Us Keep Our Eyes Fixed on Jesus
| September 1, 2017Yes, we do need that saving faith and understanding that we are washed in the blood and have our sins forgiven through our Lord Jesus Christ—to have our hearts renewed in Him daily and to feel the joy of the Holy Spirit!
Faith and works go together—like a rowboat needs oars to paddle downstream. Our plain way of living will not and cannot earn us brownie points to heaven, but it does keep me close to God! The confusion of the world is mind-boggling. How can the internet, TV, and cell phones be part of a peaceful life in all godliness (I Timothy 2:2)? What a wonderful world this would be if people would spend half as much time with their Bibles as with their cell phones.

Living in Hope, By New York
| June 28, 2017Greetings in the name of Jesus. I have for a while had questions about getting your little magazine called The Amish Voice. The story by Emanuel Schrock and now the last issue had one from Moses Schrock, both have a ring of gevis der seligkeit (knowing you are saved). That is contrary to what we were taught, and we believe that the Bible supports that teaching of living in der Hoffrung (in hope). Nix fur ungute.

Born Again and Living in an Amish Church, By Pennsylvania
| June 28, 2017Thank you for all your great articles in The Amish Voice. I am a born-again Christian, living in an Amish church. And I fully agree, it’s time the church understands that we are saved by faith.

The Rebel's Voice, By Pennsylvania
| June 28, 2017We are sad that a man who was taught the truth about the Scriptures can be so deceiving. Instead of The Amish Voice, it is the voice of Satan. It is made up of half-truths and simple lies. Yes, there are some accurate Bible verses, but on the whole, it is very misleading.
It is our fear that at the judgement you will need to answer for all the misleading you are doing and the souls lost. The title should be The Rebel’s Voice.

Bloom Where You Were Planted, By Ohio
| April 25, 2017Dear Amish Voice, we cannot agree with all your writings. The Christian life is not just an easy downhill ride. Consider 1 Peter 4:18. Also 2 Corinthians 11:13-15. I am not saying only Amish will be saved, but this is where we (and some of you) were planted. Read 1 John 2:15 and 19 and Proverbs 22:28. I do not have all the answers, but want to try to bloom where I was planted by the grace of God.

What Are You Trying to Prove, by Minnesota
| April 25, 2017To the Amish Voice,
Greetings in the Precious Name of our Lord Jesus, the Christ, the only Name given by which man must be saved (Acts 4:12).
As I read your paper, to me it seems it could be misleading. I’m not sure what you are all trying to prove. Now, the scriptures you quote are right, but let’s be careful and not neglect some [others]. I like to think of Eph. 2 as the grace chapter, but take a good look at verse 10, James 2:14-20.

Salvation Crystal Clear, By Pennsylvania
| April 25, 2017I’m a sixty-six year old Amish man; we have ten children and forty some grandchildren. I really appreciated your story titled “Salvation Crystal Clear.”
The Amish Voice just came the other day, and I was just so blessed by the article. I can say that 100% agreed with it. You know, it used to be that I didn’t believe that way. Like I said, I’m an Amish man, and I’m okay in the church right now, but that about faith and works has been so distorted over the years.
— Pennsylvania

A Partial Gospel, By Indiana
| April 25, 2017Dear Amish Voice,
It was with interest (and disgust) that I read Moses Schrock’s article on forgiveness in the January Amish Voice. A partial gospel is a lie. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me (John 14:6). Anything apart from the truth is also apart from Jesus.
As we read through the gospel, we notice Jesus did not spend much time or words with theology, but rather he called us to a life! Separated from the world, consecrated unto God our Father.