Items Tagged with "Former Amish"
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Interview of a {former Amish} Woman (Part 1 of 2)
The following article was taken from If Meadows Speak. Author and interviewer, Tammy, has graciously given us permission to repost her interview with Deborah (not her real name, for the sake of protection), a former Amish woman who shares what it was like when she and her family got excommunicated Read More...
Author: Deborah Yoder
Tags: shunned, former amish, excommunicated, ex-amish, deborah, amish interview, amish,
Tags: shunned, former amish, excommunicated, ex-amish, deborah, amish interview, amish,

Interview of a {former Amish} Woman (Part 2 of 2)
The following article was taken from If Meadows Speak. Author and interviewer, Tammy, has graciously given us permission to repost her interview with Deborah (not her real name, for the sake of protection), a former Amish woman who shares what it was like when she and her family got excommunicat Read More...
Author: Deborah Yoder
Tags: shunned, former amish, excommunicated, ex-amish, deborah, amish interview, amish,
Tags: shunned, former amish, excommunicated, ex-amish, deborah, amish interview, amish,

Emotional Healing
I met the Lord as a young Amish girl and I came out of the Amish some years later. It was a difficult thing to walk through the mine field of emotions and feelings I had during that time. Sometimes the pain and anger would explode inside of me so quickly, it was like stepping on a mine. In my early Read More...
Youth Leaving the Amish Culture
Why are there so many young people leaving their parents and the Amish culture?1. Is it because the days are evil and according to Romans 1:30 and II Timothy 3:2, it will just end that way?2. Is it because young people want to know why they are required to live differently from the rest of American Read More...
Separation From The World (Part 2)
In Separation from the World, Part I, I wrote: “One of the [main] beliefs maintained by the plain people surrounds separation from the world. In fact, while studying our rich culture, I discovered that if you look past that one belief, the average plain person isn’t [all that] different Read More...
Author: Jeremiah Z
Tags: plain people, mission to amish people, mennonite, map ministry, jeremiah zeiset, former amish, ex-amish, amish,
Tags: plain people, mission to amish people, mennonite, map ministry, jeremiah zeiset, former amish, ex-amish, amish,

Winter Seeds and Summer Roses
The last few months have been wild with the challenges, stresses, and hurdles that come with being a family of seven who are learning to grow and surrender to God's plan. Things can seem downright overwhelming as we all know very well, and it takes a lot of focus and determination at times to keep o Read More...
Author: Norma Miller
Tags: norma miller, mission to amish people, map ministry, former amish, christian living, amish,
Tags: norma miller, mission to amish people, map ministry, former amish, christian living, amish,

Wild parties and sex before marriage: What does God say about it?
More and more young people who have left the Amish are sleeping together and having sex before they are married. Wild parties and getting drunk seem to be the norm.Sadly, some who are involved in sex and beer parties even claim that they prayed a prayer and got saved.I've wondered in my mind:1. Mayb Read More...
Author: Joe Keim
Tags: wrath of god, wild parties, sex before marriage, joe keim, fornication, former amish, drunkedness, drunk,
Tags: wrath of god, wild parties, sex before marriage, joe keim, fornication, former amish, drunkedness, drunk,

Rekindle The Fire
The book of Galatians is one of those books of the Bible that has been of tremendous influence in my life. In the other letters to the churches, specifically 1 and 2 Corinthians and Colossians, Paul wrote concerning immoral practices that needed to be purged from the church. The church at Galatia ha Read More...
Author: Eli Stutzman
Tags: revival, mission to amish, map ministry, former amish, eli stutzman, amish,
Tags: revival, mission to amish, map ministry, former amish, eli stutzman, amish,

Sunday Christians
Many believers have very little to do with God outside of their time in church on Sunday morning. Very few churchgoers seem to have a good understanding of scripture and, in fact, not many even take their Bible to church. The preacher can tell them almost anything and they will nod their heads in ag Read More...
Mission to Amish People
Joe Keim, founder of Mission to Amish People, invites you to the 2025 Step Out of the Boat Conference, March 12-15, in Greenwich, Ohio. Be inspired by over 20 speakers sharing powerful testimonies of faith, worship, and prayer, all designed to challenge a Read More...Tags: welcome, mission to amish people, map ministry, keim, joe keim, former amish, ex-amish, esther keim, amish,