Former Amish Testimonies
Terry Miller
| August 14, 2004I greet you in JESUS beautiful name from our little settlement of ex-Hutterites here in central Manitoba, in western Canada, just above the North Dakota border. What a joy to hear from you and to learn more about MAP and your wonderful outreach to "our people". Although not Amish, Hutterites have always considered Amish and conservative-type Mennonites "our people", primarily because of our common origin in the Anabaptist movement of the sixteenth century.
Katie Troyer
| July 15, 2004I was born and raised in Holmes/Wayne County. Ever since I was around 10 years old I purposed to know and find the Truth, and I knew the Truth is in the Bible. I also purposed I will never leave the Amish because I'd have no chance of getting to heaven if I left them.
Lydia Wengard
| January 18, 2004My husband and I came out of the Amish 3 years ago and we accepted Christ into our hearts.

Simon Miller
| October 12, 2003I was born and raised on a farm. Growing up as a young lad, I always thought, "If only I would have been an animal or something other than what I was, then I would never have had to see this dark picture painted in my mind of how a person gets to heaven."

Barbara Borkholder
| December 15, 2002I grew up the oldest child in an Amish family in a rural community about 45 minutes east of Cleveland, Ohio. When I was born my father worked as a construction worker. He worked in this trade until I was 8 years old. He decided he wanted to try a new career as a farmer.

Eli Shetler
| November 2, 2002I was 19 years old when I left the Amish. Why? I got in trouble with the church and so for that reason I was rebelling against my parents and didn't have a desire to change.

John Schlabach
| September 18, 2002I was raised in an Amish home and was never shown the plan of Salvation while growing up. At the age of 18 I decided to run away from home, against the wishes of my parents. Soon after that, my uncle (who left the Amish several years before) explained the gospel to me and shared the good news about Jesus Christ and why He came to the world.

John and Polly Burkholder
| August 12, 2002I grew up in an Old Order Amish community in Pa., believing that if I remained steadfast in the keeping of the ordinances I would surely go to Heaven when I die. As long as I did not commit any of the "big sins", I should be all right. I went to church every two weeks as was required. I didn't drink or smoke. I was a pretty good boy in public.

Ruby (Beechy) Taylor
| March 13, 2002I left the Amish religion in November of 1992, after leaving a marriage of emotional, mental and religious abuse. The Lord gave me a sign that I needed to leave and I left. Three years after I left, I got a divorce so I could go on with my life. I felt lost and I was looking for a church.

Ida Wengerd
| February 1, 2001We were 53 and 55 years old. Four years ago when we left a strict Amish church of man made rules it was an awful awakening to find out the truth in the Bible.