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The True Church of God
| May 1, 2024“They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth forever” (Psalm 125:1).

Five Things Christ’s Resurrection Accomplished
| May 1, 2024The bodily resurrection of Christ is fundamental to Christianity. It defines the Christian faith. No one can be a Christian without it, for it is the very core of the gospel!
Conference featuring former Amish speakers, bluegrass concert kicks off in Ashland County
| March 20, 2024SAVANNAH, OH A conference featuring former Amish community members and a bluegrass band from Tennessee kicks off Wednesday evening at a church just north of Savannah.

The Ultimate Authority
| March 1, 2024I used to unquestioningly believe whatever I was told. A few years back, there became a point in my life where some things I had been taught did not make sense.

Preach the Gospel!
| March 1, 2024If we followed Paul's strategy, if we were more concerned about gaining souls for Christ than being right, if we stepped out of our bubble long enough to understand and learn from others, if we placed the value of others above our own.

History of the Amish (Part 6)
| March 1, 2024Towards the end of the 18th century, the Amish and other peace churches were again tested on their non-resistant convictions.

Mountains and Valleys
| March 1, 2024I have fought depression all my life. In these valleys or low, low, times of my life, I have begun to see a pattern. I write my best in the valley. I am less critical in the valley. My hope always becomes a hope that hopes in God alone.

When Our Nation Mocks God
| March 1, 2024In 1957, as a small Amish boy, I started my first grade in the brand-new Walker Twp. Elementary School in Juniata Co Pa. Our teacher read from the Bible and prayed as we began the day. I spent three of my years in this public school.

Are We the Same to God?
| January 1, 2024For most of my life, I thought people who werent in our denomination were worldly and ungodly. But is that an accurate statement? What does the Bible say about it?

History of the Amish (Part 5)
| January 1, 2024In the first decades after Amish arrived in the New World, church life was not well organized. Settlements were being formed and migration was disturbing community and church life.

Failing a Test
| January 1, 2024I messed up. Badly. I feel stupid. The tests that we face in life are not so that God knows who we are; they are so we know who we are.

The Strange Woman
| January 1, 2024Proverb 5 is a warning concerning the enticing woman. That path will lead downward to death and hell. We cannot afford to be ignorant of the many tools and devices at Satans disposal to entice men to wickedness.

Two Sets of Eyeballs
| January 1, 2024The Lord gave all living creatures one set of eyes to see with. But to mankind, He gave two sets of eyes. Let me explain:
What is True Brotherly Love?
| November 1, 2023To me, this is a deep thought-provoking question. Do I practice it?

The History of the Amish (Part 4)
| November 1, 2023Our history begins after the split of the “Ammannisch Leit” (Amish) from the remaining Anabaptists (Mennonites) in 1693. In the years following, there were a few failed attempts to reconcile the two groups.

Was Prayer the Difference?
| November 1, 2023I have often wondered why one thief believed and hoped while the other laughed. Why? I wondered if the one might have had a praying mother.

The Danger of Following in the Jews Footsteps
| November 1, 2023There are many examples of unbelief throughout the Bible. There is not enough space to write them all, so for now we will look at a few examples from the book of Acts.

Open your Mouth and Let God Fill it!
| November 1, 2023In the Bible, Egypt is a picture of bondage, depression, slavery, oppression, and darkness. For four hundred years, God’s chosen people suffered under the hand of Pharaoh.
Amish men carrying forbidden cell phones outed by national emergency alert test
| October 7, 2023The modern world is invading the Amish countryside.

Communion and Foot Washing
| October 4, 2023Feet washing, communion, and council meeting, all three of these are scripturally mishandled, and abused.

The Brass Serpent
| September 1, 2023Depending on which commentator you follow, there may have been as many as three million Jews who left Egypt. Finally, the Israelites were free from slavery.

Sheer Neglect
| September 1, 2023The enemy of our soul must find it very annoying when we are so immersed in the new life, the born again life, the ever-living life, that we overcome sin by sheer neglect. We are so busy living the God-life that we forget to sin.

I Will have Mercy
| September 1, 2023One time, Jesus was in a house having a meal when publicans and sinners crowded around Him. They wanted to hear more from Him. He had a message that resonated with them, but it upset the Pharisees, who were the religious people of their day.

Are we All the Same to God?
| July 28, 2023I can remember for most of my life, I thought people that weren’t in our denomination (same religion as ours) were worldly and ungodly people because that’s what we were taught, and I believed what I was told.
Amish communities are adapting a surprising new technology in their homes and farms: ‘It’s really taken off’
| July 22, 2023Amish barns and solar panels are probably not two things most people think of as going together, but times are changing. Anabaptist World recently reported that Amish communities are starting to adopt solar as their source of power.

Jesus Above All
| July 1, 2023The early church continually struggled to keep their eyes on Jesus Christ. They took the spiritual gifts that God gave to the body and turned them into a man-made religion. They sought after visions and worshipped angels (Col 2).

Fallen from Grace
| July 1, 2023I am astonished at the people who continue to try to keep the law for righteousness. When the Bible speaks of “the law” it is the old covenant Law of Moses. The law has been replaced by a new and better covenant. Jesus came and fulfilled the law. He was the only person who ever kept the law perfectly.

I was Hooked from the Beginning (By: CP)
| May 1, 2023My parents receive The Amish Voice. There was an advertisement within of a book called What do the Amish Believe. I sent for it immediately...

The Bride of Christ in the World
| May 1, 2023I have been thinking about all that is happening in our beloved country and throughout the rest of the world. We are seeing an uprising of unrest, pain, hatred, evil, and wickedness.