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Your View of Voting is not Good, by S.L.
| May 1, 2020I do agree with some of your articles, like the one on homosexuality, but your view of voting for our country is not good. If you say that you are being a good citizen by voting, will you feel the same way when asked to help our government in other areas?

What Does it Really Mean to be Born Again? (Part 1)
| May 1, 2020People who are born again are radically different than they were before they were born again. From the moment of their spiritual rebirth, they immediately see themselves and others differently.

| May 1, 2020It was one of those days. Everything was going wrong, I thought. The children were both sick and fussy, the work was piling up, and I wasn’t feeling the best myself.

God has a Gift for You!
| May 1, 2020Eternal life is free! It is a gift from God! You cannot buy it! You cannot earn it! It never stops giving! It has no end! It is forever!

Joy in Temptation
| March 1, 2020“Blessed is the man that endureth temptation, for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to them that love him” (James 1:12). These powerful verses may shake our thinking a bit!

Conversations with Jehovah’s Witnesses, by J.D.M.
| March 1, 2020I enjoyed your article, a while ago called “What Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Actually Believe?” We have delighted to invite Jehovah’s Witnesses in for Bible study and discussions.

Belief of our Fathers: The End Times (Chapter 9)
| March 1, 2020This concludes a study on the beliefs of our forefathers, based largely on the 1632 Dordrecht Confession of Faith. This section tells about Eschatology, or the study of the end times.

Does God Care if I Vote?
| March 1, 2020As you know from previous issues of the Amish Voice, we believe it is our duty to get involved in the voting process of our government officials.

Unlimited Slices of Pie
| March 1, 2020I was recently thinking over an event that happened to me. As I was hurting, praying, and trying to process it all, I went to my prayer closet and began reading the book Uninvited. I also began to pray and journal about my thoughts and feelings.

The Question That Changed My Life
| March 1, 2020I remember it like yesterday. It was the day that I “spilled the beans.” There I sat in the gazebo. It was late afternoon. The warm sunshine brightened the landscape around me. The birds were singing cheerfully. But I didn’t notice.

Belief of our Fathers: Sin and Salvation (Chapter 8)
| January 1, 2020This continues a study on the beliefs of our forefathers, based largely on the 1632 Dordrecht Confession of Faith. This section tells about Soteriology, or the study of Sin and Salvation. This has been edited for space

Work, Work, Work
| January 1, 2020Most Christians agree that the love of money is not a good thing. Yet for some reason, most of our conversation centers around work, and our worries and anxieties are often about work. But Scripture is clear—God already cares for us, provides for us, and even clothes us.

The Root Cause of Anxiety
| January 1, 2020The root cause of anxiety is that we feel out of control. When everything is going the way we think it should go, there is no anxiety or stress.

Sanctified in Truth
| January 1, 2020In His high-priestly prayer (John 17), Jesus was mindful of His followers—knowing that after His departure they would be exposed and vulnerable without His leadership. He foresaw the tests and trials that would encounter them.

This Message Really Touched My Heart, By: D.S.
| January 1, 2020I certainly appreciated this message. It really touched my heart. Thanks for making this available. May God bless you.

From Perfectionism, Performance, and Pride to Peace
| January 1, 2020As I sobbed to my friend on the phone, I shared with her that I just wanted a good life. I wanted everything to be okay. I wanted to be successful - but it felt like everyone was fighting me.

I Read My Parents' Amish Voice, By: N.D.
| January 1, 2020 I would like for you to send me the Amish Voice every month. I read my parents’ Amish Voice and I believe it got me closer to God and helps me to better understand the Bible.

Does God Exist?
| January 1, 2020Do the Holy Scriptures prove the existence of God? The answer, of course, is no. The Bible does not prove that God exists. However, we can read in the Bible: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)

Belief of our Fathers: Humanity (Chapter 7)
| November 1, 2019This continues a study on the beliefs of our forefathers, based largely on the 1632 Dordrecht Confession of Faith. This section tells about Ecclesiology, or the study of the Church. This has been edited for space.

Why is the Amish Voice not written in German?, By A.B.
| November 1, 2019Please take us off your mailing list. Why is the Amish Voice not written in German instead of English? Something’s not right about that since the main language for any Amish anywhere is German.

Christmas Preparations
| November 1, 2019What if we had planned for a party and no one came? (That happened to me!) Well, the Lord is preparing a great feast for those who are ready to meet Him. Will we be ready?
Homosexuality: The Christian Perspective
| November 1, 2019Homosexuality is the manifestation of sexual desire toward a member of one’s own sex or the erotic activity with a member of the same sex. (The Greek word homos means “the same.”) A lesbian is a female homosexual. More recently, the term “gay” has come into popular use to refer to both sexes who are homosexuals.
Should we Vote?
| November 1, 2019The Bible doesn’t directly command us to vote—because people who lived in Bible times couldn’t vote. They lived under kings and emperors who weren’t elected by popular vote.

Belief of our Fathers: Angels, Demons, and Satan (Chapter 6)
| September 1, 2019Most of us grew up knowing that angels, demons, and the devil exist, but what do we know about them? Usually, our churches taught very little about the extent of their power or the function of the spirit. No one talked much about angels. The term “Holy Ghost,” rather than the term “Holy Spirit,” was most commonly used, which gave many of us a spooky concept of the spirit world. Throughout history, an absence of biblical knowledge has often resulted in superstition filling the void. The word “spirit” simply means a supernatural being without a flesh-and-blood body. Scripture shows us that these spirits are typically invisible, though they may appear in visible form or even as men.

Compassion or Bitterness
| September 1, 2019Why do we care when someone else is hurting, either physically or emotionally? Because there is this thing called Compassion, which simply means Passion for someone else. So what is passion? Passion is “a powerful emotion, usually as in love or hate.”

A Message for Today from the Past
| September 1, 2019Do you ever wonder what would happen if Jacob Amman were alive today and had the same beliefs as he had in the seventeenth century? I recently spent some time reading the Dordrecht Confession of Faith, and it made me wonder if some of our beliefs are different than what they used to be.

I Appreciate the Amish Voice, By M.H.
| September 1, 2019I have wanted to let you know for a long time already that I appreciate the Amish Voice. I have been getting it for more than two years and I just wanted to let you know how much my life has been impacted by the Bible truth that you point out. Some churches warn everyone in their communities not to read the Amish Voice. This bothered me a lot because I was able to learn so much, so I kept on reading them.

Give Thanks
| September 1, 2019Another month has come. Have we thanked God for the little things in our life—things like bread to eat, a place to sleep, friends, and family? Have we thought of thanking Him for giving us life and breath? What about salvation? Do we think of the agony He went through, or do we groan within ourselves?

Life Matters
| September 1, 2019Following the recent decision of the lawmakers of New York to allow more abortions, God has laid a burden on my heart for us to consider. I am writing this as a challenge to think about what is happening in America.

My "Why?"
| September 1, 2019A few weeks ago, I found myself asking “Why?” What is the real motive behind my writing about sexual abuse? Suddenly, I felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to write. So I sat down and wrote. Within a few minutes, a poem was formed.