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Financial Contentment and Trust
| July 1, 2021For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. (1 Timothy 6:7)
The Only Way
| July 1, 2021Do not think for even a moment that being Amish will earn you one ounce of favor with God. Going to the Amish church, following the church rules and traditions of your forefathers, are not what it takes to enter the presence of God when you die.
My Surprising Story
| July 1, 2021I used to be a very different person. Life did not make sense to me. It seemed purposeless… a mix of happiness and sorrow, with death waiting at the end at an undetermined point in time. Driving past graveyards always left me with an ominous feeling. What was the point of life? And what was waiting for me after death, if anything?, I often asked myself.
9 Things Survivors of Abuse Wish You Knew
| July 1, 2021Have you ever wondered what survivors of abuse wish you knew or what they wish for from you? Today, I have a simple list – complied by survivors – that answers that question.
The Prodigal Son
| July 1, 2021I have often looked at the parable of the prodigal son and wondered which of the three people in the parable represent me. There was a father and his two sons. Each one had a very different makeup.
They came, they sawed, they barn-raised: Community unites to help Holmes family after fire
| June 26, 2021WALNUT CREEK TWP., OH - Within a week of a devastating fire that destroyed the barn on the family farm at 5840 Township Road 409 between Trail and Berlin, the Beachy family had a new barn, thanks to the kindness and generosity of neighbors in the Amish community.
What Went Wrong?
| May 1, 2021I wrote an article recently about sexual predators in the church. Tears came as I read some of the testimonies of abuse. How incredibly sad.
Repentance and Faith
| May 1, 2021The Bible says that God created everything that is, including you and me. Since He created us, He owns us and we are responsible to Him.
Hid with God!
| May 1, 2021I would like to encourage you with a scripture passage that God impressed on my heart the past few days. It is reminders like these that will keep us on track and heading in the right direction, particularly during these difficult and dark days.
Secrets Buried Alive Never Die
| May 1, 2021For generations it was common to control hurts, protect a certain version of the truth, protect eyes from seeing and ears from hearing. Whole generations have passed into eternity never dealing with hidden trauma.
Leaders and Followers
| May 1, 2021Our world of people could, in some sense, be divided into two groups: leaders and followers. Leaders cannot lead without a following and followers cannot follow without a leader. It takes both.
"Well Done!"
| May 1, 2021I recently read a comment of someone who thought that questioning traditions and studying history is wrong and a waste of time. Most of us have read the Bible for years, and we take it for granted that the things our churches teach are correct.
Wolves Dressed in Sheep's Clothing, by AM
| March 1, 2021Please do not send us a single issue of the false doctrine you print. It is clearly false doctrine. The Lord will judge. The reason we unsubscribed is because of false doctrine, and did not Jesus say we should be careful of wolves that come dressed in sheep clothing. No, it’s not even dressed in sheep clothing - it’s wolves through and through. Don’t want to hear more from you.
Embracing Divinely Created Womanhood
| March 1, 2021God’s Word has so much to teach us about womanhood and its beautiful place to play in God’s plan on earth. So many of these truths are missed, forgotten, and ever perverted by false religion. Let’s go to the Word to find some of these.
Step out of the Boat Conference
| March 1, 2021For several years, the Lord has burdened me to host a conference—a conference where people from all walks of life gather together in one place to get challenged and be encouraged to walk in the fullness of God. In 2020, Joseph Graber, myself and a few other godly men met in Holmes County to discuss the details, come up with a date and find a place to meet, but it never happened. I’m not sure why, other than it was not God’s timing. But now that we have entered 2021, I am thoroughly convinced that we must move forward with this conference.
Living in a Snow Globe
| March 1, 2021Have you ever shaken a snow globe? One moment the world inside the globe is picture-perfect. The next, everything is a swirling mess of glitter and confusion until it all settles down again.
My Dad
| March 1, 2021This morning I am thinking about my dad. He was always on the quiet side, and worked hard all his life. He would spend a lot of time in our small shop at home—that is how he got the nickname “Tinker Dan”.
The Fruit of a Repentant Heart
| March 1, 2021I have no idea where your mind goes when you think of repentance. Maybe you think about a confession, or the words, “I’m sorry.” Maybe you think about King David and his repentance.
Not Interested in your So-Called Amish Voice, by SG
| March 1, 2021We are not interested in your so called Amish Voice. Is it honest and upright to call it Amish? I know of no Old Order Amish that believes as you do. Paul said that you will be saved through hope. I think it is yours that need to read the whole Bible—won’t you?
| March 1, 2021WITCHCRAFT: The use of spells, invocation of spirits, communication with the devil or a familiar spirit or medium.
Our Children
| March 1, 2021Since I have time on my hands, I thought I would take a peek, a reality-centered, Kingdom-focused, Biblical look at things involved in raising children.
In This Journey Called Life
| January 4, 2021A poem written by a former Amish woman about following Christ and receiving the healing that only He can offer.
Do Not Fear
| January 1, 2021What is today the most disobeyed, neglected, and ignored commandment that Jesus gave? 144 times in scripture, I find these words, “Fear not.” This is not talking about the fear of God. That is a completely different kind of fear. The fear that we that will look at is about worry, anxiety, fret, etcetera.
I'm Interested in Writing Religious Books, By DF
| January 1, 2021My address speaks for itself about where I’m at. I’m interested in writing religious books, therefore my chaplain directed me to write you a letter. I have an unfinished manuscript that consists of multiple sermons that were written in church, word for word, and then translated into English.
How to Talk with Others about Spiritual Matters
| January 1, 2021Suppose you are somewhere with a group of men or women from church, and one of them begins talking about Jesus Christ. What is your reaction? Can you join in the conversation, or do you get an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach and wish that the conversation would soon change subjects?
Well Written and Theologically Sound, By EO
| January 1, 2021Dear sir, I don't know who might have submitted my name and address, but I am thankful that I had the opportunity to read the Amish voice. It is very well written and theologically sound.
Who Cast Jonah into the Sea?
| January 1, 2021Christians always talk about how Jonah was cast into the sea by the men who ran the ship. And, that of course is backed up by the following Scripture in Jonah 1:15.
Unless You Become Like a Child
| January 1, 2021“And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:13).
These words, spoken by the eternal Son of God, the Creator of the universe, the One who holds the keys to God’s Kingdom as well as to death and Hades, and before whom everyone must one day stand in judgment to give an account, would seem worthy of our consideration (Mark 1:1; Col. 1:16; Matt. 6:19; Rev. 1:8; 2 Cor. 5:10; Acts 10:42).
The Struggles of Marriage
| January 1, 2021Did you know that marriage is crazy hard? If you're married, I'm sure you can relate.