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My Jesus, He Is Everything To Me
| January 1, 2012He is the First and Last, the Beginning and the End! He is the Architect of the universe and the Manager of all time. He always was, He always is, and He always will be..... Unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated, but never Undone! He was bruised and brought healing! He was pierced and eased pain! He was persecuted and brought freedom! He was dead and brought life! He is risen and brings power! He reigns and brings peace!
Keywords: amish, amish voice, inspirational, jesus, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

Trust Me, My Child
| January 1, 2012This morning, I learned a simple, but also valuable lesson. Have you ever noticed how God uses our children to show us the kind of mess we ourselves are? Yeah, I thought so!
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, map ministry, mission to amish people, norma miller | 0 comments

Law Moved Aside and Faith In Christ Stepped In
| January 1, 2012"Before faith came, we were under the law"-before Jesus' work on the cross was completed, all of mankind was under the law. The law, could be described as a person who is constantly watching over your shoulder, and every time you break a law, he points his finger in your face and cries: Law breaker! Guilty! Condemned! Judged! Failure!
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, faith, joe keim, law, map ministry, mission to amish people | 1 comments
Penciled in the Margins of My Bible
| January 1, 2012So many of us, men & women alike have areas in our lives that are broken and only our Heavenly Father can heal them.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, inspirational, map ministry, mission to amish people, t. suzanne eller | 0 comments
There ARE wolves in the church that want you to shut up
| December 16, 2011For years I have had a secret fear there could be something wrong with me.
Something wrong with my understanding of God, His love and His expectations of us as His people.
It has been difficult to identify "it" but I am confronted with "it" regularly when I am open and honest with other believers who don't share my views. So, after numerous well meaning corrections over the years from fellow believers, I've learned to tone down my expression of the stirrings in my heart. I have also never been able to get away from "it'.
Keywords: church, geneva yoder, joe keim, mission to amish people, wolf, wolves, wolves in the church | 0 comments

Are the Amish Truly Born Again?
| November 8, 2011I've never questioned the fact there are Amish people who've had a born again experience but have chosen to stay Amish in spite of their conversion. The question is: how many would you say are really born again? Few? About half? Most?
Maybe these questions don't mean much to you, however, they are very important to me, since I speak on this subject on a regular basis, and it is NOT my desire to paint a dishonest picture of the Amish.
Having been in full time ministry since 2000, I run into mostly ones who do not understand salvation and will excommunicate those who take a stand for faith alone, grace alone, Christ alone for salvation.

Children, Obey Your Parents
| November 1, 2011On numerous occasions, I've heard well-meaning parents ask, "Don't you know that obeying your parents is the first command in the Bible?" Then their question is backed up with Ephesians 6:1-3, Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.

Expect Opposition
| November 1, 2011Ezra, Chapter 3-6, tell us: When the children of Israel turned their hearts back to the Lord and repented, they began to rebuild the temple that had been destroyed by the Babylonians when King Nebuchadnezzar had exiled them to Babylon.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, map ministry, mission to amish people, norma miller | 0 comments

My Daddy
| November 1, 2011I remember when in days gone by
When in childhood tenderly
A little boy in his daddy's lap
Would hear the old story
Keywords: amish, amish voice, father, jonathan helmuth, map ministry, mission to amish people, poetry | 0 comments
Now I Believe
| November 1, 2011When the woman returned, after going to the well.
People gathered, wondering what story she would tell.
That Man told me of the many wrongs I have done.
I know He told the truth, He is the promised One.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, angela duncan, believe, faith, map ministry, mission to amish people, poetry | 0 comments

The Power of The Blood
| November 1, 2011All over the world the value of blood transfusions is well known and accepted. After an accident, the victim is often rushed to a hospital where one of the most common treatments is a blood transfusion. Blood donor clinics proclaim that the gift of blood is the gift of life. Many of us have in fact donated blood to help those in need. Having a transfusion at the right time can make the difference between life and death. It is indeed a precious gift to a person in need of it.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, eli stutzman, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

The New Me
| November 1, 2011When you realized you were a sinner and had no hope of a relationship with God without accepting the fact that His Son Jesus had to suffer and die to pay the price for your sin, you surrendered your life to His control, confessed your sins and repented-did you have a hard time believing you really are a new creation? Or did you feel like the same old person, especially when temptations came along and you succumbed to them?
Keywords: amish, amish voice, inspirational, map ministry, mission to amish people, norma miller | 0 comments
Thy Rod and Thy Staff, They Comfort Me
| November 1, 2011The shepherd's rod is used to protect the sheep; the staff to correct them. The sheep finds comfort in both these instruments. The sheep needs both protection from his enemies and correction in the way.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, glen archer, inspirational, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

Who Is My God?
| November 1, 2011He is the Loving Father I Run to, When:
I'm weeping either from sorrow, or sadness, or pain, and He wipes away every tear from my eye.
I'm feeling insecure and don't know which way to turn.
I need a touch of His gentle hand on my soul to remind me Who is in control of all things in my life.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, dee yoder, inspirational, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

Testimony: Joe Keim and His Dad Share Forgiveness
| September 16, 2011Ever since my early teens, my dad and I have had a stressed relationship. Dad was a man of dreams and many talents, which led him to getting involved in everything under the sun. He was known as the community blacksmith, machinist, veterinary, dentist and doctor. He also owned a 200 acre farm, wrote several books and developed a burn salve that is now in most Amish households in the US and Canada. His salve has even gotten the attention of medical doctors in various hospitals across America.

Salvation: Event Or Process?
| September 1, 2011Can a person know all about Jesus Christ, such as: He is the Son of God; He came to planet earth, died for their sins, rose the third day, went back to heaven and is coming again...and still be cast into the lake of fire at the end of their journey on earth?
Keywords: amish, amish voice, bible discussion, joe keim, map ministry, mission to amish people, salvation | 1 comments

A Safe Place To Cry And Laugh
| September 1, 2011Well, it's been awhile since I wrote... but that does NOT mean that God hasn't been teaching and revealing things to me! I'm gonna tell you about the biggest thing that has happened to me this year. It might not sound big to you but to me it was HUGE, Thank You, Jesus!
Keywords: amish, amish voice, joy knepp, map ministry, marriage and family, mission to amish people | 0 comments

Confess Your Sins And Be Healed
| September 1, 2011Why is it true that during times of struggle, we often look at those around us and believe they wouldn't understand what we are dealing with or would never struggle with something similar? I believe that way of thinking is very likely to be one of Satan's most effective tools in bringing condemnation and discouragement to God's children.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, map ministry, mission to amish people, norma miller | 0 comments

Judgment Day Is Coming
| September 1, 2011Judgment Day is coming soon; When O sinner, How long tarry; Sleep, slumber no more till noon; Beaten, battered and o so weary
Keywords: amish, amish voice, cindy miller, map ministry, mission to amish people, poetry | 1 comments

Telescopes And Microscopes
| September 1, 2011Back in the years when I was growing up, dad bought a telescope. We would go on top of the hill and look around. Off in the distance was a barn with writing that we could ordinarily not read from the distance which was about 1½ miles away. With the telescope, we could read the writing which was an ad for a drug store in Millersburg. That was impressive to me. It made things look so much closer.
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, eli stutzman, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

The Hope Of The Gospel
| September 1, 2011The hope of the Gospel is an amazing thing. In Hebrews 11:1 it says that faith is the substance of things hoped for... According to this scripture, hope is the foundation of faith. Psalms says, "Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God."
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, gospel, hope, jonathan helmuth, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments
The Lord Is My Shepherd
| September 1, 2011The Lord Is My Shepherd: He Leads Me in Paths of Righteousness for His Name's Sake. -Psalm 23:3 He found me weary, and wounded, and wandering. When He passed by and saw me polluted in my own blood, He said unto me, "Live."
Keywords: amish, amish voice, glen archer, inspirational, map ministry, mission to amish people | 0 comments

What Does The Bible Say About Paying Taxes
| September 1, 2011What did Jesus teach his disciples about paying taxes? We will see that the Bible is very clear on this issue. If you read Matthew 17:24-27, you will learn that even Jesus paid taxes: The Bible says, when Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the tax collectors came to Peter and asked, "Doth not your master pay tribute (taxes)?"
Keywords: amish, amish voice, christian living, joe keim, map ministry, mission to amish people, taxes | 0 comments
Old Order vs. New Order Amish
| July 27, 2011From our interaction with the New Order Amish, I would say the main difference between Old and New Order is that most New Order groups would teach the plan of salvation and assurance of salvation.

Christians and Divorce
| July 22, 2011Question: Are you a Christian; The divorce rate is same as non-Christians.(For those who answered yes)
Question: Do you go to church each Sunday; The divorce rate dropped quite a bit, but still pretty high.(For those who answered yes)Question: Do you go to church on Sundays and to the mid-week bible study; divorce rate dropped dramatically.(For those who answered yes)
Question: Do you go to church each Sunday, mid-week bible study, read the bible and pray with your wife; divorce rate drops to 1/2 of 1%.(For those who answered yes)
Amish Baptismal Classes
| July 20, 2011It's that time of year when the Amish young people get baptized. Every parent hopes that their child will choose to be baptized by the age of 17, for then, the church will have control over them, and the chances are greater that they will never leave the Amish life. To the Amish, baptism means church membership. By it, they become a voting member of the community and can then be disciplined for their disobedience to the Ordnung.
Keywords: amish, amish life, baptism, baptismal class, church membership, mission to amish people, ordnung, salvation | 3 comments

All the Rules I Followed Gave Me Pride
| July 15, 2011I used to get up early and work hard ‘most every day.
There were, of course, those times when it was good to rest and play.
I used to feed the chickens, milk the cows, and stack the wood.
I went to church, obeyed the rules, and I was pretty good.
Keywords: amish, amish life, mission to amish people, paul miller, poetry, pride, rules | 0 comments
Do Not Harden Your Heart - Hebrews 3:7-13
| July 15, 2011Paul starts Heb. 3:7 by writing, Wherefore as the Holy Spirit says... and then quotes Psalms 95:7-11. By quoting Old Testament scriptures to these New Testament Christians, Paul is making it quite clear the Holy Spirit still speaks to us today from the Old Testament. In fact, in 1Cor. 10:1-11 he tells us the things that happened to the children of Israel while they journeyed in the wilderness were ...written for our admonition...